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Aliens haven't contacted Earth yet because there's no sign of intelligence here, study claims

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  • Aliens haven't contacted Earth yet because there's no sign of intelligence here, study claims

    As we have only been sending out signals to space since the 1930s, aliens haven't had that long to receive a message or reply, says an expert at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  • #2
    This is an interesting idea, and we ultimately don't know where they may be located. It's also interesting to hear how many advanced societies/species there would have to be for it to be statistically likely that just one species would have found our message.

    At the same time I'm wary of one of the conclusions they've reached about no intelligent life being within 50 light years based on no responses. For instance, in the same way not all people may want to interact with other people, it seems strange to assume all advanced species would want to interact with other advanced species. Lol, similar to the above they might just be indifferent to us or just not regard us as being advanced enough.

    There also seems to be a pre-judgement of what another species response would be even though we know nothing about them and how they would typically behave. For instance, if even we can see a wide range of differences in our own global customs, cultures and situation-based behaviour, it seems strange to assume only interaction rather then say observation would be their response. The latter probably helps to avoid potentially aggressive species right?

    I'm sure more could be said, but hey who knows? There might be some good counters to these points.

