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UFO reports rise to 510, not aliens but still a threat to US.

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  • UFO reports rise to 510, not aliens but still a threat to US.

    If there are aliens out there, I hope it's not like Independence Day.
    WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. has now collected 510 reports of unidentified flying objects, many of which are flying in sensitive military airspace. While there’s no evidence of extraterrestrials, they still pose a threat, the government said in a declassified report summary released Thursday. Last year the Pentagon opened an office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, solely focused on receiving and analyzing all of those reports of...

  • #2
    This phenomenon known as UAP AKA UFOs have been found in not just the United States but all around the world if you do your research. As it also partakes in American installations like military assets, there are a number of occasions where they have been found to be around nuclear facilities. The crazy part about those nuclear facilities is that the reports from the soldiers in the past from between the 1960s going on from the 1980s have reported UFOs trying to either shut down nuclear silos or intentionally turn them on and then miraculously shooting them off in the last few seconds. Now I can send information to show you about it but here is the situation. What purpose these objects want with this planet? I leave it up to you. Thank you for sharing this.


    • #3


      • #4
        The podcast is from Michael Hanks and the topic is called UAP and nuclear sites. Please take the time and listen for yourself. Requires Spotify.

