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The mothership may be sending seeds to Earth- African diaspora News Channel

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  • The mothership may be sending seeds to Earth- African diaspora News Channel

    Well I find this interesting. For some people who have not read the teachings of the book of Elijah Muhammad he talks about the existence of large Mothership craft. At that time the CIA dismissed it as just hoax. Now the new report as of this year is now talking about the exact same thing. I'd like to ask this question to everybody here, if black people all of a sudden indicate the existence of extraterrestrial craft and they're being ignored, why does a white supremacist institution have to be the first to indicate the existence of aliens or UFO existence to begin with. I find it curious that every time black people have to say something it's considered as trash in this civilization. We've been talking about this for thousands of years. For example one of the known tribes in Africa talked about being's teaching them about how the Earth rotates around the Sun. This is before the European Renaissance ever came into existence within the 14th century. Again the the arrogance of colonialism is always been an issue with the form of Supremacy of information. Are we just wasting our time trying to talk about these topics to colonialist society that we live in today in the West? I leave it to all of you.​