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Blackpill- How George Floyd saved black men.

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  • Blackpill- How George Floyd saved black men.

    I said the same thing along time ago. George Floyd's death made white society malfunction. Not only did it strike a chord with black people, it struck a cord with everyone around the globe. White people knew that they had went too far. You don't kill a man in cold blood like that. Derek Chauvin was so brazen that he killed George Floyd in front of everyone.

    What this brother says is true. However, what bothers me about the incident with George Floyd, and other black men who have died, is that a black man always has to die before change is made. We are hated by almost every group while we are alive. This society does not want black men to EVER be real men. They don't think that way about any other ethnic group. I know one thing, ever since the George Floyd incident, people are a lot friendlier in the Bay. I attribute it to two things: COVID-19, and George Floyd's death.

    A black man shouldn't have to die in order for change to be made. It was same thing with the civil rights movement. When they killed Martin Luther King Jr., that was when radical change was made. The bottom line: most people, unless they actually CARE about black men, don't want black men to become real men.


  • #2
    Lets get something straight about GF. He did nothing at all. The cop involved had

    Own Multiple Properties. Even if he is in jail he still owns them as long as somebody keeps it up.
    Married to a Miss Universe Runner up of the same state. When he gets out he will find another
    Work part time in night-clubs as security/bouncer/etc. He could still do this ....change his name.

    Meanwhile GF was a former security guard who was jobless.
    Had a daughter who was probably heavy enough to tilt his car
    Died over a machine error over $20 which many of us have on us without knowing.

    The stupid part was the machine itself. The question of the day is still. Did the machine fail???????


    You know what shut-people-down?

    When that woman was killed by cops during a break and enter.


    Because she was dating a drug-dealer before that.

    People retaliated by targeting some random white cop. Killing some random officer.


    The only thing George Floyd did was show the Number one reason why I never want to be a police-officer at all. That I might take somebodies life for no reason.

    It sets back people ( like myself ) who could make a difference by becoming a police-officer. The question is this? If all of those officers was of African decent would
    things have gone down differently ????

    Another problem with officers, is when you have correctional officers practices being used in public.

    I feel bad for that butterball kid who even said "it looks like he is not breathing". That is some mentally scaring thing.


    It proves nothing. If we wanted Justice we should send EC to North Korea to serve out his prison term like that college guy. He is in white-mans prison in the USA.
    That is not justice. What about all the other lives he caused to die from the protests and other bs.


    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ( I hate saying his name because his name is shared with Martin Luther ) died because of his popularity. They killed him because his popularity could have actually led him to become president. They could not stand to see that. If he was alive he could have achieved his dream still..

    Jim-crow is probably the one thing in the US that set everybody backwards.


    They also killed JFK was similar reasons.


    • #3
      Originally posted by PoliteMight View Post
      Lets get something straight about GF. He did nothing at all. The cop involved had

      Own Multiple Properties. Even if he is in jail he still owns them as long as somebody keeps it up.
      Married to a Miss Universe Runner up of the same state. When he gets out he will find another
      Work part time in night-clubs as security/bouncer/etc. He could still do this ....change his name.

      Meanwhile GF was a former security guard who was jobless.
      Had a daughter who was probably heavy enough to tilt his car
      Died over a machine error over $20 which many of us have on us without knowing.

      The stupid part was the machine itself. The question of the day is still. Did the machine fail???????


      You know what shut-people-down?

      When that woman was killed by cops during a break and enter.


      Because she was dating a drug-dealer before that.

      People retaliated by targeting some random white cop. Killing some random officer.


      The only thing George Floyd did was show the Number one reason why I never want to be a police-officer at all. That I might take somebodies life for no reason.

      It sets back people ( like myself ) who could make a difference by becoming a police-officer. The question is this? If all of those officers was of African decent would
      things have gone down differently ????

      Another problem with officers, is when you have correctional officers practices being used in public.

      I feel bad for that butterball kid who even said "it looks like he is not breathing". That is some mentally scaring thing.


      It proves nothing. If we wanted Justice we should send EC to North Korea to serve out his prison term like that college guy. He is in white-mans prison in the USA.
      That is not justice. What about all the other lives he caused to die from the protests and other bs.


      Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ( I hate saying his name because his name is shared with Martin Luther ) died because of his popularity. They killed him because his popularity could have actually led him to become president. They could not stand to see that. If he was alive he could have achieved his dream still..

      Jim-crow is probably the one thing in the US that set everybody backwards.


      They also killed JFK was similar reasons.

      Excellent post. I hear you. I don't think that I would want to be a cop either. Yeah, George Floyd's death was senseless.


      • #4
        I have nothing against police officers or being an officer. In fact a whole bunch of non-Europeans should all be police officers. They pay them more for knowing a second language.

        My Uncle had two sons, One studying being a lawyer and the other to be a nurse. He said "sons just take the test for me" and they passed and are now officers. My uncle spent time being a bouncer/guard at a club and have to go to the GYM every night because of his condition ( bow-legged ) and he talks to tons of people who are officers. In fact tons of them are the bouncers you see in the club and usually at the front of the club. That being said tons of officers go undercover in clubs and you will never know them unless they expose themselves. Usually mix into the crowd especially with most having to work out for the jobs.

        Point being is that even African Americans as officers have problems, like "friendly fire" from co-workers to doing the right thing only be shifted to another district/precinct. Like the guy who choose to check the identification of an Asian immigrant woman, only to be told specific kinds of people to target.

        Another issue of officers is that they have usefulness of their time on the job. They have quotas to be met, Quotas that does not have to be filled. Then again you have people who just annoys you because you look like the sorta person who has no idea about defending yourself when it comes to any kind of stop. Your just going to take stupidity. Like getting my license I have to hear them promote submitting to a search, over getting your car taken away but that is not the truth.

        Again there are people who are officers associated with organize crime, selling ceased drugs, weapons, and other stuff from the evidence locker...............


        Another issue as with any other city job is inability when you deal with a ____ kind of person. People start to ID the kind of moron your dealing with over and over again. Noobs just carry on like "Your racist, or I take offense to that". Finally as with any city job their are people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. You could be doing your job and doing nothing wrong but somebody is making it a hassle for you and you just "have to be that person". So you look bad.

        Their are tons of good people working in city jobs. The problem is the kind of person who gives them problems. Surely enough they come across somebody and think "Omgsh end of the world" and boom we have another GF nonsense.

        .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................

        GF did not change anything all it did was scare more people away from being cops. If police officers ( as with colleges ) had people who are not white took up those positions it would be in reverse. The problem is that everybody has to have a head on their shoulders unlike most of the officers who says "I better be careful not to shoot anybody"


        • #5
          I see. Good points.

