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Removing the Lesbian from Feminism. Is it possible?

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  • Removing the Lesbian from Feminism. Is it possible?

    Sooo we all have a dose of feminism.

    For my feminism is what some girl who comes from a circle-view-drive, has a boyfriend who is some kind of creative but works in his parents business for life. Chances are these are the same theater-poon, who heads are filled with Disney ( or whatever so called safe-media inside them ), Chances are their only time of venturing from their home is college where they meet that one-time guy who is non-European who rapes ( have friendly sex she calls rape ) them, may or may not abort and then uses it as her experience in feminism and finally after taking her make-em-up major she...

    A. Go back home-sick to her suburban normality playing housewife to her grade K-12 sweet-heart, and have a job but only good enough to keep gas inside of her car.
    B. She like most her kind gets pregnant by her "rapist" keeps the baby, and continues to live in the city for some reason.
    C. Appears pornography because she is too ashamed to go back home a failure and besides she needed the money and nobody will ever know ( unless they watch every single kind of pornography clip that is new from every website they could get their hands on, from a studio that shoots locally. ). Becomes a housewife to one of her fans of former classmate.
    D. Takes whatever fake position offered to her, asides being a female-officer just make her cop daddy feel at ease.

    Then their is last choice.... F. Go full Lesbian again making her cop-dad proud knowing that no man will ever pop her cherry or enjoy her body at all.


    That is what I saw in college. I rarely saw any majors in college in the art department that was feminism at all. If so she was Lesbian. I met a person who was pro-for-women but was not about feminism and was from Egypt and was insane about womens-rights but not feminism.


    I am not kidding. You checkout the feminist meetings and whichever college, bookstore, or rental hall, I am pretty sure their was the presence of lesbian. In fact I ate a slice of pizza and something caused my balls to hurt really bad, through the whole event. I get to see the earlier generation of so called "feminists" many who are college professors taking positions like "Womans History Teachers" who claims "They are not nuts" but I kid you not I feel at times I was in the presence of somebody about to go full psycho. Nice looking body but psycho ( That feeling when somebody says they are not but displays emotions they might be ). I honestly was also in a room of not Lesbians but virgin women. These women set standards so high but here is the joke.

    A lesbian can not be feminist because she does not represent the problems that caused women to start feminism. She represents a type of predator who in my opinion needs to be deflowered. In the old days they would take the daughter to somewhere else and find some guy to be her boyfriend and then have him disappear from her life. Like the traditional shot-gun in fancy-room as the father says " Your going to do this girl or I am going to do you". But in a world of so called "choice" the Lesbian says "Girl-power" but not once ( not once ) outside her period, and then it do happens and we call it omgsh "rape" omgsh "girl crying over losing her virginity to some random stranger AKA Metoo-started" I mean seriously I have known ladies who are delicate flowers and strong, and even my own family I have seen them handle the world.

    It is like cowardness when a girl just decides to go Lesbian and declares herself a feminism. Your walking down the road and see two beautiful women making out only to show you their are "together" meanwhile you literally see some round girl with big omega-sized being held-hostage by some lady with lame-corn-braids, and a hoodie attempting to look like a man. Of course ( he ) she goes in to her friend for a kiss ( like a master kissing a dog ), all because you could him ( her ) .

    I guess some daughter of an officer father is like "Thank gosh none of these suspects will ever get into my daughter". Which is like some kind of protest but again wait for the XXX-film.


    Honestly I would imagine feminism funding including the womens-centers ( which their are tons of ) would dry up like desert without the presence of the snnnak... Lesbian in the garden. Maybe even LGBT all together because apparently we have guys who for some reason wants to cut-off-their-penis-es and burn hundreds if not thousands to become a full woman. I have seen it in Hollywood parties, the welfare office, and of course downtown,......

    I guess it is progress when you see a "brother" swinging his hips side to side far wider then his female counter-part walking side by side with him entering the college you plan to burn mony into.
    We are still counting "them" when it comes to percentage of viable race while subtracting prisoners who are unable to have conjical visits? Even that guy Charles Manson had the right to pass on his seed to some girl young enough to be his great grand daughter recently. Again I guess it is superficial because nobody would fund the fem-nazi-machine if their was no Lesbians involved.

    Look at the bright side unlike China via population control we do not have a state-lawyer attempting to convince a woman to have an abortion because she had too many kids and this one could be the one that lands her in jail.....@@#!@??


    Lets face it. How many "Strong women" who are ideal that stands up the regular women out their who are not anywhere near Lesiban??

    Last edited by PoliteMight; 09-08-2022, 03:33 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by PoliteMight View Post
    Sooo we all have a dose of feminism.

    For my feminism is what some girl who comes from a circle-view-drive, has a boyfriend who is some kind of creative but works in his parents business for life. Chances are these are the same theater-poon, who heads are filled with Disney ( or whatever so called safe-media inside them ), Chances are their only time of venturing from their home is college where they meet that one-time guy who is non-European who rapes ( have friendly sex she calls rape ) them, may or may not abort and then uses it as her experience in feminism and finally after taking her make-em-up major she...

    A. Go back home-sick to her suburban normality playing housewife to her grade K-12 sweet-heart, and have a job but only good enough to keep gas inside of her car.
    B. She like most her kind gets pregnant by her "rapist" keeps the baby, and continues to live in the city for some reason.
    C. Appears pornography because she is too ashamed to go back home a failure and besides she needed the money and nobody will ever know ( unless they watch every single kind of pornography clip that is new from every website they could get their hands on, from a studio that shoots locally. ). Becomes a housewife to one of her fans of former classmate.
    D. Takes whatever fake position offered to her, asides being a female-officer just make her cop daddy feel at ease.

    Then their is last choice.... F. Go full Lesbian again making her cop-dad proud knowing that no man will ever pop her cherry or enjoy her body at all.


    That is what I saw in college. I rarely saw any majors in college in the art department that was feminism at all. If so she was Lesbian. I met a person who was pro-for-women but was not about feminism and was from Egypt and was insane about womens-rights but not feminism.


    I am not kidding. You checkout the feminist meetings and whichever college, bookstore, or rental hall, I am pretty sure their was the presence of lesbian. In fact I ate a slice of pizza and something caused my balls to hurt really bad, through the whole event. I get to see the earlier generation of so called "feminists" many who are college professors taking positions like "Womans History Teachers" who claims "They are not nuts" but I kid you not I feel at times I was in the presence of somebody about to go full psycho. Nice looking body but psycho ( That feeling when somebody says they are not but displays emotions they might be ). I honestly was also in a room of not Lesbians but virgin women. These women set standards so high but here is the joke.

    A lesbian can not be feminist because she does not represent the problems that caused women to start feminism. She represents a type of predator who in my opinion needs to be deflowered. In the old days they would take the daughter to somewhere else and find some guy to be her boyfriend and then have him disappear from her life. Like the traditional shot-gun in fancy-room as the father says " Your going to do this girl or I am going to do you". But in a world of so called "choice" the Lesbian says "Girl-power" but not once ( not once ) outside her period, and then it do happens and we call it omgsh "rape" omgsh "girl crying over losing her virginity to some random stranger AKA Metoo-started" I mean seriously I have known ladies who are delicate flowers and strong, and even my own family I have seen them handle the world.

    It is like cowardness when a girl just decides to go Lesbian and declares herself a feminism. Your walking down the road and see two beautiful women making out only to show you their are "together" meanwhile you literally see some round girl with big omega-sized being held-hostage by some lady with lame-corn-braids, and a hoodie attempting to look like a man. Of course ( he ) she goes in to her friend for a kiss ( like a master kissing a dog ), all because you could him ( her ) .

    I guess some daughter of an officer father is like "Thank gosh none of these suspects will ever get into my daughter". Which is like some kind of protest but again wait for the XXX-film.


    Honestly I would imagine feminism funding including the womens-centers ( which their are tons of ) would dry up like desert without the presence of the snnnak... Lesbian in the garden. Maybe even LGBT all together because apparently we have guys who for some reason wants to cut-off-their-penis-es and burn hundreds if not thousands to become a full woman. I have seen it in Hollywood parties, the welfare office, and of course downtown,......

    I guess it is progress when you see a "brother" swinging his hips side to side far wider then his female counter-part walking side by side with him entering the college you plan to burn mony into.
    We are still counting "them" when it comes to percentage of viable race while subtracting prisoners who are unable to have conjical visits? Even that guy Charles Manson had the right to pass on his seed to some girl young enough to be his great grand daughter recently. Again I guess it is superficial because nobody would fund the fem-nazi-machine if their was no Lesbians involved.

    Look at the bright side unlike China via population control we do not have a state-lawyer attempting to convince a woman to have an abortion because she had too many kids and this one could be the one that lands her in jail.....@@#!@??


    Lets face it. How many "Strong women" who are ideal that stands up the regular women out their who are not anywhere near Lesiban??

    LOL!!! I hear you bruh. Good post.

