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Why does everyone hate on the black woman?

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  • Why does everyone hate on the black woman?

    Can someone answer the question why as a black woman do we have so many haters?

  • #2
    I would have to ask the same thing. In fact its a shame of mine, as I will explain. For years as a black boy growing up into a black man I was very shy and almost completely afraid of dating black women. That has changed. I am now dating a very beautiful black woman and I feel free from the indoctrination of western stereo types. It feels to me beautiful and natural to me. I understand not a lot of people will support me in me in my new awakening, but I wished to ask my younger self.... Why have you not thought of Black Women in a relationship. Its a personal thought. Thank you for sharing this.


    • #3
      Black women have been the backbone of civilization side by side with the Black Man. Read about Queen Nzingha and other warriors Queens. Yet I have found Queens in every neighborhood around the world. However in Amerikkka it was the Black woman they had to destroy due to even through poverty and being single due to the man was forced out of the homes and i mean literally forced out by the system the Black Woman was producing Unstoppable Kings. For example during the earlier days of welfare to help with poverty the system told the family unit that the man had to leave the home in order to feed the children. I saw this with my own eyes. This broke up families. The basics of life is the Man Woman and child. No separation at all. You most have this love of family in order to simply survive. Yet sons were becoming doctors lawyers and more. However when the Crack era came oh hell broke loose. The woman not all but some stopped being the nurturer and a lot of children became victims of the system. This welfare state produced the same state as slavery has done breaking uo families. Nothing was wrong receiving it but not to the extent to destroy families. Men protect your women and never introduce them to drugs and now women stop introducing your man to drugs to protect the highest element The FAMILY. Another destroyer is women making mire money by designed. When it comes to the family it does not matter at all hiw much money one ir the other makes. Remember it is the Family Unit that is so sacred. We have the thinking all wrong. It is not the Money that matters the most. It is the sacredness of the Man Woman and Child. We have to go back loving ourselves. Black women are hated because of her resilience through it all!!! Black men and women has to begin to teach the true history in the homes not only slavery but before slavery by books of our Black Scholars. Anthony Browder who have written books and check this out he is the first Black Man the first in excavations of a pyramid in Egypt and had his daughter side by side said that out of 100 pages of our history slavery history only will start on page 97. It is known that it was a Black woman who gave math to the world. It is the Black woman who is chosen to carry the babies from the beginning of time. They are now experimenting with men carrying the babies inside their bodies. The only thing is somehow the men bleed out. So they are only trying to perfect it. When this happen and made to become normal the woman will become diminished greatly and maybe extinct. Men who hate women may say i only want to produce men. This is something to think about seriously. Strong Black women are angry Black women. A narrative written to belittle your true status as a true Queen and warrior side by side with your true King.


      • Queen god
        Queen god commented
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        Omg well said!! Crack came and changed everything

    • #4
      We are the “vibranium” holding everything together and moving everyone forward all at the same time. People hate what they do not understand or can control.


      • #5
        Ok, so we know what has been done to's been well documented and spoken about. However, the response to what has been done to us is OUR RESPONSIBILITY! One day just walk through our communities and take a good look at the physical manifestations of what we are dealing with in our minds. Take a good look at the hair, weight, skin, teeth etc and you will see a people that are not doing as well as we could be......what we THINK and BELIEVE is what will manifest itself in outwardly in our appearance, speech, behavior etc. When we are in this state it is difficult to build relationships so it's no wonder our men and women seem to be misaligned, it shouldn't be a surprise. No blame needs to discussed, just next steps on what needs to fixed.


        • Spirit
          Spirit commented
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          Agreed however, it is not that simple. There is still the matter of Karma and residual Karma as well as programming. Not unlike a virus on your computer or when you need to do a defrag. In addition, all of our communities do not look as you have described. Minister Louis Farrakhan has stated, "The most disrespected, unprotected woman on the planet is the Black Woman." In my opinion, desegregation did not serve us well. Separate but equal would have been better with regard to the education of our children as well our communities .

        • IamMzKnight
          IamMzKnight commented
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          Amen Spirit. Amen.

      • #6
        Originally posted by Nana Ama View Post
        We are the “vibranium” holding everything together and moving everyone forward all at the same time. People hate what they do not understand or can control.
        Sorry every black woman isn't "vibranium" there are some toxic sisters in our community. I'm done with the belief that being black automatically makes you royalty. There are some toxic people in our midst and I think that is a key element into why there are haters of black women because the toxic ones make it bad for the rare good ones.


        • Queen god
          Queen god commented
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          Yes I can understand your feeling especially if your are of the younger generation. Crack really changed a lot for blacks in the 80's. Black people especially black women were the pillars of the community....Please do your research and open up your third eye to see what's really happening to the black family and the black community.... We had all the stores, cleaners we were the gardeners, trash man, street sweepers etc...Black people were! Sold oranges

        • Spirit
          Spirit commented
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          The good one's are not rare!

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          I agree with this statement because there are lost souls which don't know their worth, they are very toxic which makes it bad for the everyone else.

      • #7
        Jealousy pure and simple.


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          I agree that when others see a black woman with their stuff together it's a problem because you are not falling into the stereotype of how they expect for you to be. "Greatest Revenge"=Success!

      • #8
        I love my dark skinned sisters, I'm married to a beautiful dark skinned woman and our anniversary of our marriage is coming up soon and it will be 7 years (Sept 14th 2014) that we've been married but we've been together since June 2nd 2011


        • #9
          I have to say they get hate because of the colorism and that's just one of the problems that needs to be addressed. It is discrimination and people that don't like women just because their skin is dark should get called out on it even though I do understand that some people have their own preferences of what kind of person they want, people need to be called out and face consequences of being colorists and it's like being racist in my opinion.


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            Colorism is a huge problem in our community and it is like being racist and what's worse is it's against your own that goes back to that mental lynching they have been instilling into our people for a very long time.

        • #10
          It's very unfortunate given the history and the complex issues, but I maintain that having visited African countries and seen very beautiful calm , lively, happy attractive black women, the hate is in America and not Africa. I am not surprised that black women in America are so stressed and how that stress causes them to behave and seem unattractive, when you are constantly stressed you detach from the self, the true you and then you lose direction, but the way out isn't feminism either , that only compounds the already stressful situation. You need to rediscover " self" regain direction.

          I think that one of the best things that any black man or woman can do is connect with Africa physically even if you only do it on a temporary basis as a tourist and get out and among other Africans ( I did it for the very first time In 2001, what a revelation) , only then will he/she gain a better understanding of self , of black people, of the beautiful history and success of the Civilization.

          From there you will only grow as a person and peel away the layers of stress that racism causes. There Is no greater value than self love after the love of God. When you can love who you are, you will be forever strong and then you can truly love and care for others inside and outside the community.

          The problem with hate is that it is a negative force no less capable of spreading than the force of love, but I know which force I prefer to have, the force that's constructive called love not the force that's destructive called hate. If you hate yourself what are you spreading, where are you going ? Now you choose.......


          • #11
            I'm curious to hear from you as to why YOU think there are so many haters of black women? I also want to know, in what ways are black women being hated on? I can post videos of black men and women getting together and dialoging where it doesn't seem like any hate.


              Editing a comment
              I have experienced the jealousy first hand from my own people as well as from many others. Not to say everybody hates on us but there are enough people doing it for it to be discussed. If your a successful black woman or even carry yourself in a good way people don't like it. Ways they hate on us at least where I'm from: people will give you a rude attitude, dirty looks, don't want
              to help you, overcharge you. Those are just a few things people do, they do the most!

          • #12
            What I've noticed is that somehow we bring out the insecurities that non-blacks feel about us..Whether it's the physical or mental..Men or Women especially if you know your worth. Years ago I've overheard a conversation from two Hispanic women stating that Black women think their all that...Surprise we are...We birthed this whole nation of Black people who built this country.YOU DAMN RIGHT..


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              Facts we are all that and they don't like it!
              Melanin makes them upset!

          • #13
            The African woman is God


            • Queen god
              Queen god commented
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              Absolutely correct it is written...The Black Woman is God.... ASE ASE ASE

          • #14
            I really want to know the answer to this because the first thing black men say is “we don’t” but I have been on multiple social media platforms and I literally see more black women get bashed for their appearance, decisions, and all together way of life. We can’t even put a bonnet on without being called trashy or ghetto rather than people minding their business. Seems like everything black women do is a problem.


            • Spirit
              Spirit commented
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              First, wearing a bonnet in public is not exclusive to black women. However, if you're going to wear a bonnet out in public then, Wear That Bonnet! It should make every woman want to go out and purchase a BOMB bonnet! We are ladies after all and we should behave and carry ourselves as such. Unless of course, you just don't care how you present youself.

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              I agree everything we do is a problem. If you think about it why is it that the beautiful black woman that have success without being trashy to get it they say they are men. I'm very offended by this Michelle Obama and Venus and Serena women that the girls in our communities can look up to that's positive they taint their image by saying they're men. Haters!

          • #15
            Originally posted by Amujale View Post
            The African woman is God
            No. There is only one God and most certainly HE is unlike anything he created.


            • IamMzKnight
              IamMzKnight commented
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              Good grief. I saw that coming.