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Why does everyone hate on the black woman?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SessalyM View Post
    I really want to know the answer to this because the first thing black men say is “we don’t” but I have been on multiple social media platforms and I literally see more black women get bashed for their appearance, decisions, and all together way of life. We can’t even put a bonnet on without being called trashy or ghetto rather than people minding their business. Seems like everything black women do is a problem.
    Here lies your problem which is something I notice with our community. You think social media represents the entire community or a majority of our community when in fact, it doesn't. Social media represents a small sub-section of our community and is no more representative than a club or members of a group to a local university. With that being said, social media and its anonymity of speakers and users gravitate to these places because it is the "in thing." So of course you're going to encounter specific individuals and groups of people that have this groupthink mentality. So if bitter men or women have a platform where are they going to go? Where other like minded individuals go which is online social media. Do you not think black women in the same instances you've encountered black men, are not bashing black men as well? I can point to you several instances where black women gather together like flies on sh*t and bash all black men, even the ones they have never met. What do you say about these black women? In my opinion a lot of women make bad dating choices in men and so they utilize these social media platforms to vent and play the blame game when in fact they don't take responsibility for poor life choices. As far as the bonnet thing I sat back and watched Mo'nique give a passionate yet gentle opinion on how your appearance is necessary in the real world. Let us keep it real, in this country appearance matters. Would you wear a bonnet to a job interview even though you are qualified? No, because you understand when it comes to attaining a job appearance matters. If you're wearing pajamas to a Walmart or grocery store it looks tacky just as a man who walks into a Subway without a shirt looks tacky regardless whether he is chiseled or not. You might be young (I suspect) so I think you may need to sit back and look at both ends of the spectrum because its both men and women that do the disrespecting.


    • #17
      I think it's, on both side (both male and female) unhappy people venting from a place of pain rather one was at fought or not


      • #18
        This is a biblical perspective!


        • #19
          "if there is no love why am I going to be reminded of that person I should be with"

          I am with _____ but when I could be with ____.

