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We are starting a grass root in Alberta

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  • We are starting a grass root in Alberta

    I am thinking about our constitution and how we want it to look like.
    What are our guidelines

    We are a small group right now.
    Our first task is to come up with a slogan, which will represent what we stand for.

    We will push for re-educating ourselves
    We will push for removing all the colonizers' yokes, ie removing any and all mind alternating substances. Alcohol,tobacco, Sexual weakness.
    We will work on learning and practising NLP principles
    We will re-learn and update our vocabulary. Learn at least one other language
    We will learn business and economics principals
    We will learn the common laws of the land in order to be able to manipulate it
    We will follow many of the teachings and examples of ancient KMT
    We must build a tight knit bond that can not be broken easily
    We must have trust and honour among ourselves
    We must all adhere to the side of moral African values at all times. Any deviation will bring the house down upon itself and kill everyone
    We will practice self discipline. We will manage our emotions under pressure.
    We will be self-sufficient, not relying on Gov't hand out that comes with strings.
    We will own property legally and out right.
    We will learn new trades when necessary
    We will be willing to make sacrifices that might include giving up loved ones, statues, careers, security,family ties etc
    We must not invite the enemy to our table at any time for any reason. Enemy is the one referred to as snake tongue, Satan.
    We must act on the side of caution whenever we are interacting with the enemy
    We must look out for each other,provide a hand up and hand out/
    We must share our knowledge with each other
    We must be humble and not be afraid to admit to an error or mistake
    We are not equal, however we have a common bond and an understanding of meeting of the minds
    We must be fearless in the fact that "God" will protect us and has given us blessing and grace.

    I will had more later, you can add more as well

    Once we have reach a level of satisfaction we will reach out to the communities
    Last edited by larryking123; 06-06-2022, 11:07 PM.