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Hapi Valley Origins and Dispersals of Bantu Speakers

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  • Hapi Valley Origins and Dispersals of Bantu Speakers

    I created this thread, because I got tired of watching white supremacist trolls versed in their white lies about history get away without being properly schooled by the black person whom they were arguing with. Too many of our people have an *** backwards perspective of our history, even those who claim to study African history. That is because they allow Western academics to essentially be the end all be all of our evidence. I learned about debunking academic Eurocentrism from hanging out on the old Egyptsearch forums, and my own personal library. This thread has been around for over half a decade now on other forums, and has motivated many popular history personalities to reassess what the deal is here. It's quite lengthy, but the information is worth knowing.

    How and why did the "The Hapi River" get renamed "the Nile River"?

    The Roman invaders renamed the African named "Hapi"/"Happy River", into "the Nile", "Nil".
    Latin - Definition of "nil" -
    : NOTHING, ZERO... Tricknology 101\

    Thank you Dr. Ben



    Main Thesis

    Afraka = (Of - Ra's - Soul) On Top

    The real position of Earth is upside down as opposed to that which we are accustomed to seeing on so called "normal" (Eurocentric) images of the Earth. Below is a Moorish (indicated by the colonization of southern Europe seen at the bottom) map which shows African states and the actual black African reference to this most ancient land which modern people migrated from.

    The Bio-Cultural Designation of Our People As "Niger-Congo" Speakers

    * Bantu is the largest sub grouping within the "Niger Congo" languages
    If you notice I tend to put quotation marks around the term "Niger-Congo", because ultimately it is a Western designation for our group. While Bantu sounds good to call us, we must remember that the West African populations whom still have overlapping linguistic ties and are genetically bound with Bantus, do not fully speak "Bantu" languages. The issue is....We don't even have a collective non Western derived name for our greater African family to refer to ourselves. This must be addressed. The Africans who came with the Pre-Columbian Olmec and 14th century Malian migrations to the Americas and the transatlantic enslaved trade are almost exclusively of this "Niger-Congo" African genetic stock as the studies immediately following the next paragraph lays out.
    Indigenous Africans house over 90% of the human genetic diversity. This fact essentially disproves the notion of race as we know it. Pale/depigmented people for example are a "genetic condition" rather than a "race". From a genetic perspective the only groups on Earth that can be legitimately distinguished into "races" are the different types of Africoid ("Sub Saharan Africans" in the graphic below) populations. There is more genetic diversity between two Africans in what is today "Nigeria" than there is between an Irish and a Han Chinese individual.

    (Tishkoff 2009)​

    "In addition, craniometric variation also shows agreement with genetic data in showing highest levels of diversity in sub-Saharan Africa than in other geographic regions (Relethford and Harpending, 1994). Further, there is a clear decline in levels of craniometric variation as geographic distance from East Africa increases (Manica et al., 2007; von Cramon-Taubadel and Lycett, 2008; Betti et al., 2009)."
    -- John H. Relethford* (2010). Population-Specific Deviations of Global Human Craniometric Variation From a Neutral Model. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 2010

    "Africa is the source of all modern humans, but characterization of genetic variation and of relationships among populations across the continent has been enigmatic...We identified 14 ancestral population clusters in Africa that correlate with self-described ethnicity and shared cultural and/or linguistic properties....The ancestry of African Americans is predominantly from Niger-Kordofanian (~71%)" - Tishkoff 2009

    This last quote essentially means that African self segregated linguistic groups have validity in science as legitimate distinctions. This is not true for Europeans, Asians or non blacks who lack genetic diversity. A Norse, Celt, Anglo, Slav, Turk, Han, Mestizo Chinese do not have legitimate genetic distinctions that warrants calling them a "race". This is the real reason why the social construct of race is bull****. The only legitimate races are the distinct types of black Africans as detailed in Sahara Tishkoff's study from 2009.

    The second fact

    There were numerous Pre-Historic migrations from Africa that brought our people into every corner of the Earth long before the establishment and expansion of "historical" civilizations, and it was later Africoid (an indigenous African population) migrants who established those civilizations. There is a persistent yet debunked Western lie that traditional African boats (such as those made from reed as seen on walls of Kemet) could not sail very far or that Africans did not travel outside of Africa unless enslaved. The fact that the oldest humans on every continent are Africoid means that all attempts by haters to say that later groups of Africans were incapable of doing so can be flicked off. Those populations who descend from those who usurped our lands and civilizations often get offended at the mentioning of these facts. Their pride has been entangled in what our ancestors taught their ancestors. This is a paradigm shift to those who are used to the false and recent notion of Africans needing to be "civilized".

    The oldest permanent structure on Earth is Adam's Calendar in South Africa. This ancient astrological structure is on the same 31 degree longitudinal line as the Great Zimbabwe and the Great pyramid of Giza, and is over 200,000 years old. This along with recent genetic evidence indicates that the earliest of man may have originated in Southern Africa, diverged genetically from the Twa and the San and migrated north and east towards the Great Lakes where they would later interact with the Twa of Central Africa, and from there migrate north along the Hapi River. The Twa ("pygmies") who dominated Central Africa and parts of the Great Lakes were considered the progenitors of civilization. It is from the Great Lakes where the ancient Kemites claim to have originated ("the Mountains of the Moon where the God Hapi Dwells"). It is not to mention that the first Christ figure was the Twa deity Bes who would later become the God "Heru" in Hapi Valley mythology. It is from "Heru" of Hapi Valley civilization that the modern Jesus "Christ" story came.

    Take note of the fact that the only living humans with an actual recollection of dealing with the Annunaki are modern Africans.

  • #2

    The people who have been deemed "African Americans" (since Jessie Jackson coined the term in the late 1980's), "Afro Brazilian", and other African diaspora throughout the continents of America who are generally of the E-M2 lineage, ancestors belonged to the Western classified Niger-Congo/Kordofanian languages, have broad facial features (Western defined as "true Negro") are the living inheritors of the legacy of ancient Hapi Valley civilization.​


    "It was pointed out that the study of the Blacks must begin in Egypt
    because most of their indestructible monuments are there ; and, further,
    because many of the artifacts archaeologists have been uncovering
    during the past seventy-five years as "Egyptian" are in fact "African ."

    Yet the very "Heartland of the Race" and the cradle of civilization were
    actually further south below the First Cataract, centered around the capital cities of Napata and Meroe .

    From there black civilization spread
    north, reaching its most spectacular achievements in what became
    known as "Egyptian Civilization ."

    Destruction of Black Civilization
    Pg 44-45

    African Origins of Civilization - C.A. Diop

    Prior to the declining period of universal consciousness around 10,000 - 6,000 B.C (the end of the Atlantean Zenith) when the World was entirely melaninated, we have a transition in civilization centering into a physical realm that is centered in the ancient fertile Sahara, and migrating mostly onto the Hapi Valley. Dynastic civilization starting as early as the 6th millennium BC beginning with Nubia/Saba/Ta-Seti in the areas between Sudan and the Southeastern Africa. The Qustul incense burner is the proof of Nubia being the oldest dynastic civilization on Earth, as it illustrates not only the World's first writing system known as Medu Neter (incorrectly credited widely as the "hieroglyphs" to the adjacent Kemetic Africans) but also the World's first monarchy (with notation of 12 more rulers prior to the one depicted).

    There is a clumsy yet widespread Western lie that our people were essentially "stationary" (been there for a while) for around 10,000 years following an initial Western migration from Eastern Africa around 12,000 BC. Western scholars (J. Greenberg) then clam that from a West African point that is now "Cameroon" there was a sudden emergence and major dispersal of "Bantu" branch speaking Niger-Congo speakers into Central, South-Eastern, and Southern African origin to which they call the "Bantu Migration".

    Instead we know from contextualized evidence that our people lost dominion over Northeastern Africa and the Mediterranean, and had to migrate into inner Africa around the 6th century BC.

    This falsified history was put in place to mislead the World about who we are, and what we have accomplished as a people over the last 12,000 years. Particularly the West wishes to deny our connection to Hapi Valley civilization namely Kemet, and the subsequent fact that through Nubia and Kemet our people created every civilization in the World. The lie is thoroughly exposed in the following sections with the use of recent genetic evidence, linguistic and archaeological evidence. There is overwhelming evidence that our people had a dominant and long standing presence along the Hapi Valley from interior eastern Africa down into the Delta along the Mediterranean going back as far as the Nazlet Khater man found in "Egypt" over 33,000 years (also discussed in the next section). Hapi Valley civilization is tens of thousands of years old, and has gone through many zeniths. If we wish to include it as evidence (some do not) we can count at least 25,000 years according to the supposed Emerald Tablets of Thot. It is interesting that that date correlates with the so called "Doomsday Clock Theory" (or reawakening of consciousness for the original people) regarding the age of Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx proposed by Graham Hancock..

    Aside from the origins of humanity, Western scholars have for centuries now tried to manufacture a false image of ancient Hapi Valley civilization (especially concerning Kemet) that removes our people from it. They have done this through deliberately misclassifying indigenous physical variability exhibited by ancient and modern melaninated Africans in anthropology as some branch of "Caucasoid".

    “Black skin White skulls”



    • #3
      The juvenile, racist, white game of half truths and blatant lies was put on blast by leading bio-geneticist S.O.Y Keita.

      Western "scholars" were creating wild fantasy based theories of whites migrating into Africa

      and creating a "black skinned" Caucasoid race (Somalis and Ethiopians) through a "Hamitic-Hypothesis" , and a "white race" migrating into the Hapi Valley displacing a "Negroid" (or Bantoid) population and creating "dynastic" civilizations through the Dynastic race theory. These theories of Demic Diffusions of non Africans into Africa have all been debunked in academia for decades, yet their lies persist in the mainstream. The lengths that Pale Devils have gone to lie about the story of our ancestors in ancient Kemet has been noted by many conscious black enlightened people. Even in recent attempts to "tackle the race issue" regarding ancient Kemet by the mainstream, is completely full of uncontexualized ****.

      To this very day whites are obsessed with manufacturing a false history for themselves through stealing our stories carved on the walls of the temples of the civilizations along the Hapi River.

      Whites are quite simply impostors, and their TV (tel-lie-vision) and major social media platforms are their main tools used to propagate their lies. They have long known that this is fact!


      WHEN this little book was first published in an Italian edition in 1895, and in a German edition in 1897, I was still unable to obtain many anthropological data needed to complete tha picture of the primitive inhabitants of Europe. In the English edition the book is less incomplete, richer in anthropological and ethnological documents, and hence more conclusive; it also contains replies to various objections which have been brought forward. This English edition, therefore, is not so much a translation of a work already published as a new book, both in form and arrangement

      The conclusions I have sought to maintain are the following :- +

      (1.) The primitive populations of Europe, after Homo Neandertkalensis, originated in Africa; these constituted the entire population of Neolithic times.

      (2.) The basin of the Mediterranean was the chief centre of movement whence the African migrations reached the centre and the north of Europe.

      (3.) From the great African stock were formed three varieties, in accordance with differing telluric and geographic conditions: one,.,peculiarly African, remaining in the continent where it originated; another, .the Mediterranean, which occupied the basin of that sea; and a third, the Nordtic:, which reached the north of Europe. These three varieties are the three great branches of one species, which I call Eurafrican, because it occupied, and still occupies, a large portion of the two continents of Africa and Europe.

      (4) These three human varieties have nothing in common with the so-called Aryan races; it is an error to maintain that the Germans and the Scandinavians, blond dolichocephals or long-heads (of the Reihengraber and Viking types), are Aryans; they . are Eurafricans of the Nordic variety.

      (5.) The Aryans are of Asiatic origin, and constitute a variety of the Eurafrican: species,• the physical characters of their skeletons are different from those of the Eurafricans.

      (6.) The primitive civilisation of the Eurafricans is Afro-Mediterranean, becoming eventually AfroEuropean.

      (7.) The Mycenrean civilisation had its origin in Asia, and was transformed by diffusion in the Mediterranean.

      (8.) The two classic civilisations, Greek and Latin; were not Aryan, but Mediterranean. The Aryans were savages when they invaded Europe: they destroyed in part the superior civilisation of the Neolithic populations, and could not have created the Greco-Latin civilization

      (9.) In the course of the Aryan invasions the languages of the Eurafrican species in Europe were transformed in Italy, Greece, and elsewhere, Celtic, German, Slavonic, etc., being genuine branches of the Aryan tongue; in other cases the Aryan languages underwent a transformation, preserving some elements of the conquered tongues, as in the NeoCeltic of Wales. Some of these conclusions no longer arouse the same opposition as when I first brought them forward. The arguments meeting with most resistance are those tending to overthrow the ancient conception of an Aryan civilization.


      ROME, Feoruary, 1901."

      That is proof that integration with them is impossible, without the destruction of the other people involved.

      Examining Pre-Historic Evidence

      33,000 Year Old "Negroid" Skull Is The Oldest Human Found In Nubia-Kemet
      Prior to advent of dynastic civilizations starting with Nubia in the 6-4th millennium B.C.E. there was still a cultural continuum along the Hapi Valley (both Nubia and Kemet) demonstrated through what Western scholars have coined the Nubian complex. This culture originated deep in inner East Africa stretching north into Kemet and was found extending across the Red Sea into Arabian Peninsula (really just northeast Africa) over 100,000 years ago.

      Affad - 23
      Some of the proof of our early ancestral legacy of civilization can be seen in the recent revelation of the World's and Africa's second oldest permanent settlement found in Ta Seti (Sudanese Nubia) at an estimated age range of 15,000 to 70,000 years shown below.

      Remnants of the Paleolithic settlements in Affad, Sudan.

      "Archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology in Poznań have unearthed a very ancient village, which dates back an incredible 70,000 years, according to a news announcement in PAP. The settlement is the oldest known early Homo sapiens site with sizeable permanent structures in Africa and points to a much more advanced level of human development and adaption in Africa in the Middle Palaeolithic than previously realised."


      • #4
        Usage of the Term "Negroid"
        Dr. Ivan Van Sertima in his author's notes of "They Came Before Columbus" breaks down the reason why despite the stigma the "racialized terms" such as "Negroid" are being used in these types of assessments. Some will cry foul at the use of the term, but as Van Sertima points out that despite the "hurt feelings" this is still despite the availability of genetics a "precise science" in distinguishing core populations. Some Western academics have defined this patterned as "True Negroid", which is unique to the most widespread type of Africans on the continent the so called "Niger Congo" speaking populations.


        The Racial Affinities of the Oldest AMH Remains in the Kemet

        Thomas A., Morphology and affinities of the Nazlet Khater man, Journal of Human Evolution, vol 13, 1984."

        The "Negroid" remains of Nazlet Khater from 33,000 B.C.E. is apart of the Nubian complex. To reiterate a consistent stream of the oldest known human specimens in ancient Kemet are confirmed to have a "Negroid" morphology, that is unique to the Niger-Congo speaking populations of Africa today. This logically places our early prehistoric habitation in Northern Africa.

        The Sphinx Is Over 10,000 Years Old & Represents A "Bantoid" Individual
        Another piece of evidence which confirms that Kemet has long been an advanced civilization that has been dominated by Bantu populations (the latter is also proven by the morphology of the Nazlet Khaterr, Wadi Kubbaniya and Waldi Halfa) is attested to by the true age of the Sphinx.

        The Sphinx is aligned with the star constellation of the LEO dating back to 12,000 -10,000 B.C.E.. The water erosion on the Sphinx is also confirmation that the Sphinx dates back to well over 5,000 years ago. The erosion came from the floods of the ending of the Ice Age, and with this fact known it only makes sense that the structure dates back to a much earlier time (I've seen estimates of it being constructed over 100k years ago).
        "extreme erosion on the body of the Sphinx could not be the result of wind and sand, as has been universally assumed, but rather was the result of water. Geologists agree that in the distant past Kemet was subjected to severe flooding. This period coincides with the melting of the ice from the last Ice Age (13,000-10,000 B.C.E). Wind erosion cannot take place when the body of the Sphinx is covered by sand, and it can be proved that the Sphinx has been in this condition for nearly all of the last five thousand years - since the alleged time of its 4th Dynasty construction. Furthermore, if wind-blown sand had indeed caused the deep erosion of the Sphinx, we would expect to find evidence of such erosion on other Kemetic monuments built of similar materials and exposed to the wind for a similar length of time. ... this means the Sphinx was carved before Kemet was inundated with the waters of the great Ice Age floods, and that those waters caused the unique erosion patterns on the Sphinx."
        The Sphinx's true age completely defies the Western notion of World populations being "primitive" prior to the end of the Neolithic. The Sphinx also predates Gobekli Tepe that is often raved about in "fringe" circles by Europeans and West Asians. The very engineering feat that the Sphinx is proves that tremendous social structure and organization must have been in place in these Hapi Valley populations. There must have been a highly developed knowledge of engineering, mathematics, astrology, and physics on top of organized social participation to have taken place in order for this feat to be accomplished.


        • #5

