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Does anyone know the latest news on Flint in the US regarding its water supply?

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  • Does anyone know the latest news on Flint in the US regarding its water supply?

    The news doesn't cover it anymore but I want to 1) stay up to date with what's happening, and 2) forward any info to others in the diaspora that might ensure Flint receives any external assistance it might still need.

    Thanks in advance

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  • #2
    Man, if that's their water they are in dire straits. One of those water bottles that the guy is holding in his looks like a bottle of mango Snapple. The other looks terrible also.
    That's crazy that their water is so dirty that it don't even look like water.


    • #3
      Tell me about it, and nothing was being done about the situation at last check. This is why there was so much tension around the protests. I remember some celebrities started buying and sending supplies, but I don't know if that or any of the efforts I saw are still going on, or even if things have changed.

