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Who is your hero?

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  • Who is your hero?

    John Henry is my hero.

    He proved the man could out do the machine.
    He saved hundreds of rail-road workers jobs.
    His legendary hammer he made from the chains he was in.
    He did not die when he accomplish his goal.
    He did not have children out of wedlock, or bs like that.
    He wanted to open a business and make silverware and other black-smith needs.
    He met a black woman of nobility looking to marry a well-to-do-man, who dressed like a normal woman
    He married her and lived in a nice clean house and dressed up in a suit like a normal man,

    That is my hero.

    No mandingo bs
    No educational bs
    No rap, hip-hop, blues
    No prostitutes, whores,
    No profanity
    No wild-wild-west rubbish

    Just a man with his torn up skin ( you could find pictures of him and his wife ) proving that if you work towards a goal you can win in life.

    Work is work, you could be cleaning up rubbish to sitting at a office desk.

    I feel great seeing this man actually do work. They have lame animations showing him dying ( animations I am not kidding ), they have actors talking about how he had a son with him following behind him rubbish. No. He did work and everything turned out great.

  • #2
    John Henry sounds like a very mighty man. I thought that they were going to make a movie about him with Dwayne Johnson playing the lead. It would be a movie that I would definitely go see.


    • #3
      They should make it the guy who played the King-Pin lately or even the body-builder-Kali could actually make more sense. I know that is stretching it but honest to gosh we do not need anymore bs movies staining our American heroes.

      We just to fix their role in textbooks, and bar historical mentions of them dying, or having babies they never had.

      I want to see proper people. Not something that trys to modernize or relate to those people of the times at all. It is just foolishness.

      John Henry represents the same battle many of us are having. Man against the machine. Symbolic. Men working with a skill and making a living.


      • #4
        Originally posted by PoliteMight View Post
        They should make it the guy who played the King-Pin lately or even the body-builder-Kali could actually make more sense. I know that is stretching it but honest to gosh we do not need anymore bs movies staining our American heroes.

        We just to fix their role in textbooks, and bar historical mentions of them dying, or having babies they never had.

        I want to see proper people. Not something that trys to modernize or relate to those people of the times at all. It is just foolishness.

        John Henry represents the same battle many of us are having. Man against the machine. Symbolic. Men working with a skill and making a living.
        Are you talking about that brother name Kali Muscle?


        • #5
          Kali could play the King Pin. Problem unlike the person who did Play King-Pin in Daredevil/Spider-man is not an actor. However they could coach him and everything. I honestly see him.

          Kali kind of ruining himself because he starts to make a public spectacle of himself in some of his videos. Like with the guy that kept on coming back instead of ignoring him. How he just does not say anything regarding state of current events. He just wants to look like Mike Tyson who has some blondes with him at every event. I respect him for the health thing in prison even if it was a selfish move. I feel bad him and his wife are not together. I respect the fact he was in college and in my opinion should go back to college and prove how educated he really is. I am glad he is alive ( as with the Jamaican weight-lifter who died from heart failure ) from his episode, proving once again we need to be aware of our health when working out as with Silvester Stallone and his surgery he finally took or how Arnold Schwarzenegger work it for a recent movie role, and even how Hulk "Hollywood" Kogan is still buffed and not in the grave with his fellow former wrestlers. I respect mens health a lot and that we should not have $#$@#$4 up our sy stem to prove a point.

          Kali should be the King-Pin if they were to bring back the character. Even have an entire show with the King-Pin. Make it like the "The Tick" but reverse the roles a bit and give the Kingpin a little more respect despite him being "target practice". It would work out.

          The guy who played the Kingpin is not bad but I keep saying this to myself, I wish he was actually bigger like in the comics, and animations.

          Kali made mistakes and if he was to really be tactful he could a governor in office or even a President one day as with Jesse Ventura who brags. Be Kali the community person who speaks with actual knowledge able to tactically make things work without selling out.


          Beyond that he just looks like he is ready to fall from grace any second. It is like looking at "Biff" from "BTTF". He is one step from being that low-life. Just one step. That is all it takes for him to fail.

          Otherwise again Kali playing KinPin would be great right now. Se a big tall guy making everybody else around him look like ants in the room, Like George Washington walking into a room of Maggots who look like the definition of Maggots. That would be awesome. Then you see Spider-man do his spidey-thing thanks to his Spidey-abilities, or even Dare-devil, and watch Kali as the Kingpin punch through steel and throw a tablet half-way into the wall and give spidey the crush. Even have some funny moments mocking Spidey as if he was a small bodied child. I want to see Kingpin with his wife and children or even his father show some emotion. I want to see him being respectful to his co-workers and employees and even grab green/hob goblins rider in mid-flight and make him fly off and slide on the floor.

          Last edited by PoliteMight; 09-09-2022, 10:12 AM.


          • #6
            I hear you. Good post.

