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Mexico City locals are fed up with Americans moving to their city.

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  • Mexico City locals are fed up with Americans moving to their city.

    What do y'all think about this? It seems to be alright when Mexicans come to America. However, the Mexicans are angry when Americans come to live in Mexico.

  • #2
    People really do not understand Gingerfication ( Gentrification )

    1. In Manhattan you have the fallout ( like Nuclear waste ) of former crack-heads, druggies, addicts who line the streets. The lower-income housing, and so forth. However you also have many apartment owners who wants to charge more for rent. So they would rather rent out to somebody like a college student ( because they know they will leave ) rather then rent out to somebody who wants to hit the clubs and enjoy the nightlife, or even raise a family.

    2. In my area we have Jews ( mostly white but other races ). They buy up lots of housing, property, and let the land go to $#$@!. They can not move Jews in so they move "other kinds of ideal people" ( Indian, Eastern European, etc ). Most of the time they rent out the house to "Their own kind". When enough of the land is owned by Jewish people, they start tearing down buildings ( mostly Jewish owned ), and put up houses. Like A building that housed 100 people now is a space for one or two houses with one owner on the property.

    3. When you live in a neighborhood that has been plagued by drug-dealers, and street-gangs ( even organized crime to some extent ), and the cause is mostly the people living inside of the apartments and housing properties. Not the fact that they participate but the fact they "look the part" in some form or another. People who are able to afford like $3000 a month or even $5000 a month rent do not want to move in.

    4. Gentrification can be problematic when it comes to raising of taxes. Because the census shows that people in the area making etc amount of dollar. Take a doctor/physician in Oh-Canada does not make the same amount of money as a person in the United States? Why? Because Canada virtually have free-medical-insurance, and part of that reason it to prevent the abuse of medical people from taking advantage of you. Meanwhile in the US a medical person could prescribe a type of medication, or special-needs-parts for you, and your insurance is paying for that entirely, and you might end up having to pay a co-payment ( if you cry about co-payment your a cry-baby ), but half of that payment is going into the doctors/physicians wallet. So imagine a person on minimum wage v. a Surgeon in the same area. If everybody in the area was on minimum wage then everything would be low. However if everybody is a surgeon the taxes go up, and if you have a local community and they want stuff from the city built like gates, and other things your taxes could go up as well. We are not talking about income tax but the tax taken out of your paycheck.

    5. The reality is that you have people moving to other places, partying, enjoying the night-life, and being able to function as people over drinking age. Meanwhile living nextdoor to somebody they are going to college with and chooses to ignores you. It is like somebody who knows they are being considered "less-then-human", but now it is in their own yard.

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    Now we are talking about Racism in general. The reality is that people in the United States did nothing to help the Salvadorian people when etc lost the war. Came an influx of Latino Americans back in the 1970's. From this came the young Latin street gangs we all know, who in fact according various Spanish/Latino/etc gangs "made us look bad". To make things worst was the so called war on drugs which only started when USA poisoned crops in Mexico and other South American nations, yet the bad narcotics still reach US shores and thus came the bann on Canabis to prevent people from taking bad-drugs. This was also possible the start of the stereotype of "Bad products" from South America mentality. That is why people have so many negative mentalities about everything south of the border. As the saying goes since "United States creates their own enemies".

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    Point being it feels odd when you see people living like movie stars moving into lower-income neighborhoods that is only lower-income because of non-European presence. Then to make it worst, when you go out and do this they might have something against you for trying to raise yourself up, and not be in the "Sit down and watch Judge Judy crowd and be lazy". Then what is worst is when some weird guy comes along who voice sounds squeaky and is clearly helpless in so many ways then one, tells you "I do not want to see you here again". That is when it becomes a problem.
    Some loser with money retired trying to make themselves look like super-star.

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    Then comes the problem with Manhattan-ization. This means when your small town with a big protected wild-life forest has something like a oil-pipe-line and need for employees. The employees literally live there and get whatever jobs. Then big-named stores ( like mostly big named wholesale stores ) pop up. Then you have bright lights and big advertisements that is really meant for Manhattan Time square put up. Those bright lights could be harmful to the local animal and wildlife who needs the darkness to live.


    If they want to get rid of them, all they have to do is rent out their properties to a bunch of "undesirables"


    • #3
      I see. Good points.

