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LeBron James is 1st active NBA player to top $1 billion in career earnings

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  • LeBron James is 1st active NBA player to top $1 billion in career earnings

    I wanted to break away from another thread and delve deeper into this subject related to Lebron James earning $1 billion while the black community loses $500 billion in lost wages when a company contract manufacture out the production all overseas. We also are lured into overpaying for a cheaply made product due to their endorsement.

    $2 billion - Lebron James
    $2 billion - Michael Jordan
    $1 billion - Tiger Woods
    $1 billion - Dr. Dre
    $6 billion in endorsement deals to black athletes and entertainers

    -$300 to -$600 billion black community in lost wages, overpayment, and other opportunity.

    How is he responsible for causing this much damage to the black community, he's just an athlete?

    These lost wages come about when a company offshore its manufacturing to other countries and just leaves their pitiful white-collar jobs behind in the United States. We are then forced to engage in these academic hunger games competition to get these white-collar jobs which we lose out on in most of the cases to whites. We also overpay $1200 for an Iphone ($250 Nike Shoe) when a cheaply made $200 Chinese phone that does not have their product endorsement would suffice.

    1. Bill Cosby

    Here you can see the earliest propaganda attempts using well-known black actors to promote colleges as the only path to higher wages. In this segment, Cosby does not mention unionization or encourage domestic manufacturing to boost wages as a viable alternative. He goes on to executive produce A Different World, another college promoting scam. Bill Cosby later goes on to earn a substantial salary and deals which sucks in other people into this depraved world of racial cannibalism.

    2. Lebron James

    In 2016, Nike renews their contract with Lebron James in the tune of $1 billion after initially giving him $100 million during the start of his career. Wasn't 2016 an election year where a political candidate named Donald Trump that heavily promoted domestic manufacturing was running for office? Yes that is true the timing seems kind of coincidental, and Lebron James was politically active with campaigning for Hillary Clinton. When that failed, he resorted to other tactics such as refusing to visit the White House to discredit President Trump, out of the advice/knowledge of what his deal entailed. This indicates that he was fully aware of Nike's intent by becoming politically active and refusing to visit the White House.

    Initially the Golden State warriors had a team meeting to decide whether to visit the White House which they leaked to the press, of course Pres. Trump went ahead disinvited himself from this tradition that spans decades rather than being rejected publicly. Lebron followed up with refusing to visit the White House in the future.

    Lebron builds a school for at risk students and gives out $40 million in college scholarships. What these at risk students really need is high-paying jobs, not endless academic testing and hunger games for white-collar opportunities that favor whites. Lebron also tries a feeble attempt at cop propaganda along with his buddy Shaquille O'Neal.

    Nike is the poster child of white-collar jobs in United States and contract manufacturing completely overseas. Lebron acceptance and validation of this approach that significantly harms the black community is what they really want and not the promotion of their products to consumers.

    3. Dr. Dre

    Because of the acceptance and validation provided by Michael Jordan and Lebron James with Nike, this approach is expanded heavily into the tech industry which uses this business model extensively. Here you see they tried to recruit a well-known rapper into the mix with his Beats products and branding that were put on laptops from HP that have zero domestic manufacturing. Apple would later buy his company that he co-owned for a couple billion dollars making him a wealthy person. Apple wasn't looking for the technology that Dr. Dre had with his products, they were looking for racial cover with the way they were resisting domestic manufacturing production and setting up this academic hunger games with their white-collar positions. Apple could have easily built their own headphones for their products using proprietary technology.

    Dr. Dre would later go on to fund a building on the USC college campus in his name, again promoting this academic hunger games to get a white-collar position.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Beats-Apple.jpg Views:	0 Size:	59.4 KB ID:	699

    Just to give you the scale of jobs and the economic impact, you should read this article, 250,000 jobs, 140,000 jobs, 90,000 jobs with these contract manufacturers for tech companies. Nike employs 140,000 through its contract manufacturers, which would generate billions in wages if they setup shop in the U.S.

    4. Black Tech Youtubers

    Click image for larger version  Name:	bill_gates_porsche_taycan.jpg Views:	0 Size:	72.5 KB ID:	700Click image for larger version  Name:	maxresdefault.jpg Views:	0 Size:	110.1 KB ID:	701

    Many of these black Youtubers push out these garbage products to the black community that steal wealth and enrich themselves. Many of these products are contract manufactured in other countries with zero domestic manufacturing. They are significantly overpriced which is another added burden to the black community ($1200 Iphone vs $200 Motorola). This is really the same theme and tactics that Nike uses with athletes.

    The only job opportunities are white collar which involve academic hunger games competition with whites due to their historical advantage.


    6.Michael Jordan/Spike Lee

    The poster child for Nike is famously Michael Jordan who provides racial cover for this business strategy that harms the black community with lost wages and overpriced products we buy because of somebody black endorsing them. He was never tested like Lebron with a Pres. Trump which would have exposed him, so we will never know if he was fully aware and not just a pawn. There has not been too much activity on the sycophantic college dumping.

    Spike Lee did some college movie and did commercials for Nike with Michael Jordan.

    7.Tiger Woods
    Promotes Nike products heavily and builds out schools. Even though a scandal harmed his wholesome image, Nike continued to work with Tiger Woods even though other advertisers ditched him. Unfortunately, he got busted up in a car accident.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	uo4F3lV.jpg Views:	0 Size:	91.4 KB ID:	702

    The NCAA is being forced through court action to allow players to earn endorsement deals we need to get ahead of this before it spins out of control. As a person that trashed them for years, they could have been aware that this was going on and blocked this garbage and did us a favor. By paying athletes, they would have open the doors to these jaded endorsement deals.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by theblackreporter; 07-28-2021, 12:46 AM.

  • #2
    How do you know so much information about this?

    Unfortunately due to the nature of the work that I am engaged in, they have sent some of these clowns after me to engage in racial cannibalism. I have had to monitor their activities for a while. The problem is not these athletes or entertainers, but whites supremacist that set up these horrible deals in order to do business with us.

    1. I am hoping to devalue their ability to promote products to us and filter out their toxic messaging to the black community.

    2. Setting up and promoting our own to produce shoes and tech products that we use to replace these companies. Buy cheap from China, and pocket the money, buying the products that they endorse is a recipe for economic disaster.

    3. Being more politically active and selecting the right candidate that will encourage these companies to move some production domestically. No more academic hunger games for these crappy short-term white-collar jobs.

    4. I believe that demand for low skilled manufacturing jobs will increase due to destruction creation. Unfortunately, the destruction happens in the United States with some automation and the creation of new jobs for new products are overseas.

    This type of sick culture that has spiraled out of control makes it impossible for me to succeed in the U.S.


    • #3
      If we are demanding reparations, then we have to deal with schemes like this that drain our resources into overpriced products with contract manufacturing overseas. We should focus our endorsement capital on companies that manufacture domestically giving them an advantage over companies like Nike and Apple.

      A company can contract manufacture in other countries than discount their products in the United States. It is when they contract manufacture in some communist country than overprice their products, than have somebody black endorsing their products. In this case you should seek out cheap products from this country to bypass this garbage.

      These companies that are extremely powerful led a well organized coup d'état of Pres. Trump utilizing athlete influencers to do it. This sort of power needs to be exposed and checked otherwise they will run the table on our government preventing effective oversight of our economy.
      Last edited by theblackreporter; 07-28-2021, 12:47 AM.


        Editing a comment
        The alternative to reparations to spend 20% on American consumer goods and 80% buy into our own markets or save into black banks.