For the last few weeks the so-called main stream media has decided to target the black community in a series of misleading stories. CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, etc. have pushed a false
narrative that black Americans have been singling out Asians and assaulting them. This had been the lead story for most of these networks a few weeks ago. While the few black people who did assault these Asians were mainly mentally ill and homeless people, the news reports deliberately left those facts out. At the same time many Asians were being killed by whites and other non black minorities. It was really sad that not one black reporter or news broadcaster has any courage to call this out.
narrative that black Americans have been singling out Asians and assaulting them. This had been the lead story for most of these networks a few weeks ago. While the few black people who did assault these Asians were mainly mentally ill and homeless people, the news reports deliberately left those facts out. At the same time many Asians were being killed by whites and other non black minorities. It was really sad that not one black reporter or news broadcaster has any courage to call this out.