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The Oregonian...More Black men are dying in Portland homicides than anyone else.

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  • The Oregonian...More Black men are dying in Portland homicides than anyone else.

    I was unaware that there were that many black men in Oregon. However, it seems like black men are dying everywhere. Unfortunately, many are dying by the hand of other black men. What I can't understand, is why does it seem like, no matter what the problem is, black men always lead in negative statistics. Now, they are trying to make black men the face of the monkeypox. It was transferred through gay relations, and it was in European countries. Now, for some reason, black men are the leading ones that have monkeypox. Is it propaganda?

  • #2
    Yeah this is sad to see.

    On the one hand yes we can accurately say that that negative end result is by design and continues with external support, however, it's also critical that we recognise that we ultimately are responsible for not solving the problem. Part of solving the murder rate problem, at least in my opinion, would be learning why our brothers join gangs, with the view to then providing them with attractive alternatives to satisfy those needs. For instance, if they seek comradery then better youth clubs could be arranged, if they seek protection then community watch groups might help to some degree, and if it's money-related then maybe there are paid apprenticeship programs that could be created. Those are just rough ideas.

    Monkeypox-wise I need to look into it further before I can say either way.

