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" The Taliban"....has seized more than $7 billion in USA military equipment.

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  • " The Taliban"....has seized more than $7 billion in USA military equipment.

    What do y'all think of this? As soon as the U.S. pulled out, The Taliban came right back.

    This video was kind of funny.

  • #2
    It's a pretty embarrassing situation in my view. $7 Billion is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to calculating how much was spent fighting in Afghanistan, only for the end result to be the Taliban re-seizing control so quickly. The images of people falling from the sky was pretty messed up too.


    • #3
      Originally posted by KrisF View Post
      It's a pretty embarrassing situation in my view. $7 Billion is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to calculating how much was spent fighting in Afghanistan, only for the end result to be the Taliban re-seizing control so quickly. The images of people falling from the sky was pretty messed up too.
      Yeah. I definitely hear you on that. The plane trying to take off, was full of people trying to get in. Or better yet, they were trying to prevent the U.S. from leaving. All of those people fell to their deaths.

      That's crazy. I also wanted to say that the U.S. is spreading itself too thin. These other nations are no longer afraid of the U.S. They need to definitely think carefully about what they are doing.

