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Police: Group of teens accused of 250 crimes across Columbus.

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  • Police: Group of teens accused of 250 crimes across Columbus.

    250 crimes? That is absolutely ridiculous. Those kids are straight wildin out here. Crime is out of control out here.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    250 crimes? That is absolutely ridiculous. Those kids are straight wildin out here. Crime is out of control out here.

    This is sad to see. I disagree with the officer trying to get these black 13 and 16 year olds to no longer be viewed as teens, because ultimately it creates an excuse not to look at the root cause to this crazy situation. What's your take on what would stop these type of situations happening in the first place? I ask because so often crime seems to come down to bad economics, infrastrure (incl. youth centres) and parenting.
    Last edited by KrisF; 09-16-2022, 02:35 AM.


    • #3
      Personally, I think that there needs to be some black state of the union address. There needs to be some communication with the youth as to why many of them are acting the way that they are acting. Only thing that I know is that crime is rampant all over the country; with robberies taking place from coast to coast in the United States. If the problem is anger, frustration, and depression, I wrote a book about everything that a black male could, and would encounter in this society. I wrote it, to keep many black men from becoming just another n****r behind bars. I understand what they are going through...The anger, frustration, and depression.

