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Texas woman sued by Indian American over viral racist meltdown.

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  • Texas woman sued by Indian American over viral racist meltdown.

    Now many Indians know how it feels when they are racist towards blacks. No one likes being a victim of racism. Ever since COVID, alot of other races have been going through racist encounters. I remember, when I was is school, and EVERYBODY had a problem with straight black men out here. It wasn't funny at all hearing women blurt out insults directed towards black guys. The Asians, who are catching hell now, were some of the most racist people that I have ever encountered. They, along with everyone else, made going to school a living hell for a black man.

    A woman who was filmed hurling racist remarks at a group of Indian American women outside a restaurant in Plano, Texas, last month is now facing a lawsuit from one of the victims. The group of four Indian American women were heading back to their cars after having dinner when the perpetrator, later identified as Esmeralda Upton, approached them and said, “Go back to India.” Plano police arrived that night and allowed Upton to leave.

  • #2
    Racism, is not as funny when the perpetrator are on the reciving end. Yesterday I had to set one Hungarian and one Turkish person straight on the fact that they couldn't say '*****s' even as a 'joke' among themselves. I started pressing them on why they had an affinity for using a derogatory term for black people for fun, rather than using a derogatory term for Hungarian or Turkish people. Some people play dumb until they are on the are on the receiving end or have to face some type of consequences for their actions. Other races start to learn quicker when 1) they realise they can't get away with their behaviour and 2) they learn that black people come from a proud history equivalent or richer than that of their own.

