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The Ukranians are fighting like hell against the Russians. They are making it very hard for the Russians to take over. However, if it wasn't for the military and monetary contributions from the U.S., they would have been taken over a long time ago.

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  • The Ukranians are fighting like hell against the Russians. They are making it very hard for the Russians to take over. However, if it wasn't for the military and monetary contributions from the U.S., they would have been taken over a long time ago.

    The Ukranians are fighting like hell against the Russians. They are making it very hard for the Russians to take over. However, if it wasn't for the military and monetary contributions from the U.S., they would have been taken over a long time ago.
    Kyiv's Ministry of Defence and Air Force both confirmed the downing of theĀ  aircraft on its social media pages on Wednesday, celebrating a 'productive morning, Ukrainian style'.