Nikolas Cruz is lucky that he didn't get the death penalty. It must be because he's white. If he would have been black, he would have gotten the death penalty.
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'I have a lot to say... but today's about the victims': Nikolas Cruz's brother Zachary reacts to his life prison sentence... as his gay guardians praise jury for sparing him the death penalty and 'understanding his mental health'.
'I have a lot to say... but today's about the victims': Nikolas Cruz's brother Zachary reacts to his life prison sentence... as his gay guardians praise jury for sparing him the death penalty and 'understanding his mental health'.
Couple who took in Nikolas Cruz's brother praise jury for sparing him from death | Daily Mail OnlineIn a statement to, Zachary said he would have 'much to say' in coming days but that he did not wish to comment on the jury's decision to spare his brother today.
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