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‘I cry every time I think about it’: Asian woman says she was denied entry to Nevada casino in racial profiling complaint.

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  • ‘I cry every time I think about it’: Asian woman says she was denied entry to Nevada casino in racial profiling complaint.

    Man, Asians can dish it out, but they can't take it. I remember years ago, an Asian woman was crying because she got discriminated against in housing. They cannot handle dealing with the stuff blacks deal with. However, they can sure dish it out though. Asians are some of the most racist people that I have ever come across; and their racism ain't funny either. Before COVID, they were out of control with their racism against blacks.
    A Vietnamese woman said she felt humiliated and traumatized after a Nevada casino and its sister branch denied her entry in what she considers a racial profiling incident. On Sept. 4, Tammy Luu, a resident of Taylorsville, Utah, and her husband reportedly drove to West Wendover, Nevada, to watch the Vietnamese variety show “Saigon by Night” at Peppermill Resort and Casino's concert hall. Luu and her husband went to the hotel’s casino after the show.