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Lonely heart Mexican woman is maimed and killed for her organs after flying 3,000 miles to Peru for a date with man she met online: Cops arrest him after finding her body parts, including faceless head, torso gutted of organs and a severed finger.

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  • Lonely heart Mexican woman is maimed and killed for her organs after flying 3,000 miles to Peru for a date with man she met online: Cops arrest him after finding her body parts, including faceless head, torso gutted of organs and a severed finger.

    Man, these other countries sound frightening. What is it with many of these Hispanic countries chopping up people and stealing their organs? I heard that, that's a big thing in the Dominican Republic. People stealing other people's organs.
    A faceless head of a woman was found on the beach where the two had been living in Huacho, Peru. A few hours later, authorities found a severed finger with a silver ring on it.