Once again, the complexion for the protection. Stuff like this rarely EVER happens for black people. They are always ready to give a white person another chance. However, black people get the book thrown at them; especially, black men.
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Cannibal frat boy, 25, who randomly killed Florida couple and chewed man's face off could be freed within MONTHS from mental health facility, victims' family claim.
Cannibal frat boy, 25, who randomly killed Florida couple and chewed man's face off could be freed within MONTHS from mental health facility, victims' family claim.
This is mad. Releasing a person like this? People like that should live in a facility where they only have access to the professionals helping them. Under supervision they can take on remote working jobs and be visited by family, but other than that they can have no access to normal society. They also need to where an ankle bracelet.
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