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Rep. Ayanna Pressley opposes committee on China because it would 'embolden anti-Asian hate'.

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  • Rep. Ayanna Pressley opposes committee on China because it would 'embolden anti-Asian hate'.

    I know that the Chinese are going through it. Back then, I never thought that Asians would catch this much hell. It just goes to show you, being treated like a n****r can happen to anyone.
    Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D, MA-7) said she voted against establishing a bipartisan committee that would examine and address the competition between the United States and China as it would “put lives at risk.” Pressley, one of the 65-Democrat minority who voted against House Resolution 11 for the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), made her comments in an interview with CNN’s Kaitlin Collins on Thursday, two days after it passed with a 365-65 vote. “I voted no because, again, it’s another sham effort here, it’s really clear that this is just a committee that would further embolden anti-Asian rhetoric and hate and put lives at risk," Pressley, a member of the progressive group called “The Squad,” said.