Man, the rent in NYC is crazy. 4k a month for a 1 bedroom apartment? You would never catch me living there. That's like Los Angeles.
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‘That was illegal for them to do. But they did it’: Woman says landlord was overcharging her hundreds of dollars for rent-stabilized apartment.
‘That was illegal for them to do. But they did it’: Woman says landlord was overcharging her hundreds of dollars for rent-stabilized apartment.
A TikTok user, Cedoni Francis (@cedonifrancis) went viral after allegedly catching her building's management company of defrauding her. Francis claims she was dissatisfied with her property management and wanted an exit from her lease before it expired. The TikToker says after her lawyer looked into the matter, they discovered she was being charged more than she legally should have been as the building she was living in was a rent-stabilized...
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