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Texas teacher put on leave after physically assaulting a high school student who ended up in the ER and on crutches – father of student demands his teaching license be revoked and arrested after he ‘antagonized’ his son.

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  • Texas teacher put on leave after physically assaulting a high school student who ended up in the ER and on crutches – father of student demands his teaching license be revoked and arrested after he ‘antagonized’ his son.

    What on earth? This cat has my last name. It trips me out when I hear my last name on the news. My last name isn't common. What happened to his son was messed up. I know when I was coming up, the teachers would hurt you if you got out of line. A whole lot has changed since then. I don't think the teacher should have put his hands on the man's son.

    An English teacher at Humble High School in Texas was filmed beating a student. The tenth-grade student was left limping, on crutches, bruised, and in the ER after the fight