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PICTURED: Pregnant woman, 23, killed in Staten Island crash as 'drunk' boyfriend driving over 100mph is charged with manslaughter: Dodge Challenger hit utility pole and split in THREE parts as she was ejected from car.

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  • PICTURED: Pregnant woman, 23, killed in Staten Island crash as 'drunk' boyfriend driving over 100mph is charged with manslaughter: Dodge Challenger hit utility pole and split in THREE parts as she was ejected from car.

    If there is one thing that I can't stand, it's a reckless driver. Out here in Oakland, and the Bay Area, the drivers out here are out of control. They will cross over in your lane without putting on a signal, they will get real close to your car, almost like they are going to hit you, and then cross over into your lane and blow you away. They drive super fast out here. Drivers like that, get on my nerves. This dude reckless driving resulted in him killing his girlfriend.
    A pregnant woman, 23, was killed along with her baby after her allegedly drunk partner crashed a Dodge Challenger while traveling over 100 mph through Staten Island.