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Americans: Changing racial demographics in the United States.

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  • Americans: Changing racial demographics in the United States.

    America might be changing, but if it is anything like how California is, I will pass. California is diverse, and it used to be racist as hell when I was a young black male. I didn't go through half of the stuff in the South that I went through out here. When I was coming up, Virginia was just black and white, for the most part, and I didn't go through a quarter of the racism that I went through in "Liberal" California. Most of the people of color are aligned with white people AGAINST black people; and especially black men.
    During those six weeks we would collectively revisit the recorded wisdom of our ancestors to help us better understand the why of what we’re experiencing. We could immerse our children and young adults into the extraordinary high culture of Black America, so no matter where they go in this country or the world, they will always know who they are and whose they are. Adults and elders could reflect upon and recommit to the legacy we share, which...