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White people keep asking me if my child is my own. How can I best respond?

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  • White people keep asking me if my child is my own. How can I best respond?

    Honestly, I don't feel too bad for Asians, the only thing that many of them do, is worship white people; especially, the women. This woman is crying and moaning because people ask if her baby is hers? A baby that she had with a white man? Man, I don't care bruh. Asians are some of the most racist people on Planet Earth.
    Dear Ms Understanding, I’m Asian and my partner is white. We have a 13-month-old together and sometimes at the park I get asked by white mothers, ‘whose child am I looking after?’. It doesn’t happen every week but enough that I’ve been upset by it and would like to know how to respond. These are women I will probably see regularly and I don’t want to get into a situation where they get defensive or, worse, make a big deal out of apologising....