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The historic launch of the SpaceX Starship world's largest rocket ever created.

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  • The historic launch of the SpaceX Starship world's largest rocket ever created.

    This is one of the most historic days in human history besides the SLS rocket from NASA. This rocket if successful in the history books will be the largest rocket ever created to go to anywhere in the known solar system with the right means. This means our grasp to colonize Mars and the other moons will be within human civilizations grasp. To some of us here we have jobs we have lives family none of this usually would consider to be important. But for future Generations on this Earth whether we fix climate change or deal with our immediate crisis of War disease and famine, this will Define our very existence going to the Stars as the human race. Earth is the cradle of civilization. And we must in some way colonize the stars in the process. But of course baby steps. Starship, the SLS NASA rocket and other examples within human history will Define Our Moment as a space-faring civilization. Families will be born, civilization will be created in new worlds. To seek out new life and who finds of scientific and the social dynamics of our way of life will transform. Please take the time to watch the video. It's a defining moment in human civilization, history don't miss out.