Yeah. That's pretty messed up. I would be frustrated too if I was a FedEx driver and the transmission goes out in the truck.
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‘I literally couldn’t move’: FedEx driver says he’s ‘done’ after transmission goes out. He then gets diesel truck with no left mirror or brakes after 3 hours—and has to move 185 packages.
‘I literally couldn’t move’: FedEx driver says he’s ‘done’ after transmission goes out. He then gets diesel truck with no left mirror or brakes after 3 hours—and has to move 185 packages.
A FedEx driver documented his frustration with a job he quit shortly after chronicling a bad day — in which one truck failed him and the replacement truck he had to drive wasn't much better. The video showcasing TikTok user @stevefromflorida and his terrible day, where he filmed himself in the back of his truck, “I’m literally done, man,” he started before flipping the view on the camera to unveil tons of packages stacked in the back of the...Tags: None
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