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Al Sharpton telling Black folks…..“We can’t just fight for our tribe.” Fight for Latinos, Jews, etc.

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  • Al Sharpton telling Black folks…..“We can’t just fight for our tribe.” Fight for Latinos, Jews, etc.

    I'm sorry Al. But, black people need to only worry about black people. If the shoe was on the other foot, none of these other ethnic groups would even dream of helping blacks. I know that you mean well AL. But, black people have to start looking out for each other.


  • #2
    I get sO tired of people telling us that we should be supporting their communities. Where were they when we needed voices to support us following the deaths of Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray & Walter Scott? The problem is that they expect us to be there for every one of their rallies, but let a Black person get shot within 2 seconds of arriving at a call involving a12 year old with a BB gun and all we get from those "other tribes" is a deafening silence. So tired...


    • #3
      Originally posted by IamMzKnight View Post
      I get sO tired of people telling us that we should be supporting their communities. Where were they when we needed voices to support us following the deaths of Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray & Walter Scott? The problem is that they expect us to be there for every one of their rallies, but let a Black person get shot within 2 seconds of arriving at a call involving a12 year old with a BB gun and all we get from those "other tribes" is a deafening silence. So tired...
      What it comes down to, is the fact that black people are on their own. Just recently, after the shooting in Buffalo, in Congress, they passed a bill condemning anti-semitism. It was black people who go shot, why are they passing a bill condemning anti-semitism? Black life is always valued the least. When are black people going to get a hate crime bill?


      • #4
        Therein lies the problem. Hating Black people is built into the very fabric of this country. There's no way there will ever be enough political will to prohibit white folks favorite sport: committing targeted attacks against any random Black person they see. Please don't hold your breath waiting for this group of politicians to protect us. We either do it ourselves or wait forever for something that's not going to happen. Our choice.

