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Fatherhood is critical to the development of our children

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  • Fatherhood is critical to the development of our children

    This week's reason why Hugadad is necessary:
    Society largely attributes a father's absence as the root of a child's misbehavior.

    Legislators "If only the young woman with the promiscuous dating life had a stable father in her, she might have turned out different. If these young boys had father's in their lives, they wouldn't feel the need to join gangs. Fathers would teach these young men how to respect authority, which would lead to less men dying from resisting arrest."

    Family law "The only way that a court ordered parenting plan will be amended is a substantial and material change of circumstances."

    Hugadad "The child's best interest law reads like a parenting pamphlet that will give a child the best opportunity to spend equal time with both parents based on what's best for the child. Meanwhile in the courtroom, the law is used as a defense to keep the child around the people who have been helpful in keeping the child away from his/her father. While court proceedings take time, personal preferences of the mother earn the quality time that the father wasn't allowed. By the time a father is in front of a judge, the child's best interest is to continue with the routine that he/she is accustomed to and the father is given "visitation" or "parenting time." #hugadad