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Who in this forum builds computers?

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  • Who in this forum builds computers?

    Any member of this forum builds computers? I am asking because I am wondering if anyone has built a computer using the Ryzen Threadripper, or any other Ryzen processor. Did you use Liquid
    Cooling? What motherboard did you use? Was it ATX, or Extended-ATX? What case? Was is it a Full-Tower, or Mid-Tower? I had to buy a huge tower for my E-ATX motherboard. I have an AIO liquid cooler for the Threadripper that I haven't put together yet. I have built custom pcs for years. However, the one that I have to put together with the Ryzen Threadripper has me confused. I have to get started on it soon, or else, it will be out of warranty. Has anybody built any computer using the Ryzen processor?

  • #2
    This is probably too late to help you, and I don't know how much help I'll be...

    I build computers, but it's been a long time since my last build and it was before the Ryzen processors came out. My build was based around an AMD FX octo-core processor (black box, with all cores unlocked). I used a full-tower case and full-size motherboard because I built the computer specifically for editing and rendering professional broadcast level video and audio. I did use water cooling. I would say the size case, mobo and type of cooling you use depends on what you plan on using the rig for.

    Did you complete your build? What did you decide on?


    • #3
      Originally posted by ladyro View Post
      This is probably too late to help you, and I don't know how much help I'll be...

      I build computers, but it's been a long time since my last build and it was before the Ryzen processors came out. My build was based around an AMD FX octo-core processor (black box, with all cores unlocked). I used a full-tower case and full-size motherboard because I built the computer specifically for editing and rendering professional broadcast level video and audio. I did use water cooling. I would say the size case, mobo and type of cooling you use depends on what you plan on using the rig for.

      Did you complete your build? What did you decide on?
      I didn't complete my build yet. It's a 16-core Ryzen Threadripper 1st generation 1950x CPU build. I have an ASUS ROG Zenith Extreme motherboard. 64 GB of ram. Corsair Obsidian 900d case. I want to finish putting it together soon. I also have 2 AMD FX 8-core computers. I haven't really put together a computer since I put them together years ago. I recently purchased a pre-built 32core Ryzen Threadripper computer, with 128gb of ram and a Geforce 2080ti graphics card. However, I still need to put together my 16-core computer. I used to build computers all the time. However, with this new generation of stuff, I find myself a little confused about how to build my computer. I have to put it together soon, or it will be out of warranty. I plan on using it for all types of stuff. I have to do more research in order to put my computer together. It's not like the old days of building computers.

