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Gender war? Are we as a community in a war with each other?

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  • Gender war? Are we as a community in a war with each other?

    “According to J Stokes Medium.Com

    “The Black community, in addition to racism and oppression from outside groups, often struggles with intraracial unity. Much of this is rooted in European colonization of African civilizations and the transatlantic slave trade, both of which gave rise to issues such as colorism, self-hatred etc...”

    My question is, is this a legitimate excuse to validate our current circumstances? How is an entire different race responsible for a gender war in our community?
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    Last edited by IsraelitePrince; 06-13-2021, 01:47 PM.

  • #2
    Face it, we are an indoctrinated race that was conquered almost 500 years ago. We have been stripped of our land, our culture, basic science knowledge, and respect for each other and ourselves. And yes Mzungu is responsible for all of this. We live in their world, go by their rules, eat their food, wear their fashion, take their medicine, mesmerize ourselves with their programming and are even manipulated by their electro-magnetic waves. We've been hardcore learned from infants to strive for the best that is the Mzungu way of life while led to believe that our own is substandard and even sub-human. Therefore in an effort to strive for what we've been told is the very best and seek personal approval, some of us gravitate to the greatest acceptance believed there is; acceptance by our mental slave masters. However, the gender war is also fueled by institution that teaches woman need independence and Black men are shown in the media to be an undesirable choice for Black fatherhood or long term Black intimacy. It is a terrible hand our people have been dealt and getting worse every single day. The only solution for it is to exodus Mzungu way of life.


    • #3
      Flawless response. Well stated brother. Well stated.


      • #4
        When you create a war between the sexes you can replace one with what you want.


        • #5
          Originally posted by soddef one one three View Post
          When you create a war between the sexes you can replace one with what you want.
          Spoken like a true relationship engineer. I suppose the same philosophy applies to countries as well. Start a war between them, allie with and weaponize the most useful, imprison and kill off the other and then start a whole new society with the grateful Black woman, I mean country, use the DNA and melanin, I mean resources to build Black families, I mean societies into anything you want. Very clever, but short lived because me and other woke Mu'urs are going to roust the others and cut y'all off.


          • #6
            The powers that be that control the propaganda's mainstream media along with a lot of misinterpreted memes that are posted on various social media websites and a lot of self-hate that comes from various individuals in our communities are the root causes to this falsehood. Remember we've been going through a lot in the last 402 years of our experience in the Americas which has caused a lot of dysfunctional issues due to the systemic institutionalized racist experiences that we had to endure.
            We personally I love my people especially the Black Woman. I love respect protect support the Black Woman.


            • #7
              It's been well documented that another group is responsible for much of the confusion and conflict in our communities. What they are not responsible for, however, is our response to their attacks. That's on us!


              • #8
                Yes by virtue of the insidious harassment, directed energy weapons and electronic surveillance that is being perpetrated by the powers that be into certain neighborhoods and communities. The tactics used through Cointel Pro and MK Ultra is continued to this day undercover.


                • #9
                  Yes I completely agree. Western Culture from pre colonizers to now have been directly influencing the Black family link in these Gender wars. I hope in the future, we as a people will move past it and focus on each other.


                  • #10
                    Do you see what is going on in Africa, many are killing each other trying to just survive and then you have the greedy who have more than what they need orchestrating this butchering of their own. Just so they can heap greater wealth up on themselves. No! Going back to Africa will not fix are problems we as black peoples will only take are problems to Africa and spread are disease. We must first fix are selves here in America


                    • #11
                      First of all, there is no war. And we should really stop using that term to describe social conflict between us. Disagreements and conflicts are NOT war.


                      • #12
                        Time to accept, adapt, and move forward. How do you get past the losing talk.

