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How do they continue to divide and conquer?

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  • How do they continue to divide and conquer?

    Some factions and entities within the system are using directed energy weapons and v2k and electronic surveillance to divide and conquer us within the community. They are using clandestine methods. Sadly, many don't even know this is happening.

  • #2
    Not to mention, none of this would be successful without the willful ignorance of many insecure members of divided communities. Many of the people in the community that are dealing with internal and mental struggles project outward and shape their reality around them. Hurt people’s minds are occupied with chaos to the point of comfort. This opens the door for surveillance and covert methods of weaponry. Nothing left to do with that but build covert counter measures, get on code, and make organized methods of distraction. Hundreds of years of the samo in a different package. My parents only taught me a few ways to stop a bully, win or lose I always found that one particular method worked best. #myfirstpost


    • #3
      Regarding the individual various techniques or practices can be helpful no doubt. As far as the collective group of people more people should become educated and reeducated about these covert assaults on our minds and bodies. This way they can try and formulate some kind of effective action that can work for them if they weren't fortunate enough to have been given the tools or skills necessary to feel safe in this prolonged clandestine war that is being perpetrated on so many in the communities thereby destroying relationships and lives.


      • #4


        • #5
          It is a systemic method of attacks carried out mostly through directed energy weapons, electronic surveillance and harassment.


          • #6
            Many don't know that a series of covert attacks go on daily sanctioned by the federal government through the work of the FBI filtered down through the local authorities getting neighborhood people to help carry out their secret assaults on so called black identity extremists. This results in mind control and brain washing like you would only imagine in a sci-fi movie.


            • #7
              The overarching message I get in the Divided Snakes (US) is that we all are reduced to bodies and money. And too many of our community members buy into that same system. I am divorced and celibate, and I intend to keep it that way until I find a brother who values and respects my body as well as his own. When our bodies were chattel, it created that idea in our collective mind, and we perpetuate that system of devaluing each others' bodies when we don't say, "I do like you, but since we are not ready for a lifelong commitment, let's respect each other." Or " I love you so much that I want to share my name, my body, my children ,i.e, my hand in marriage." Other than that, both of you are being devalued . . even if you say, "Well, we are both grown, and we both agree to this." You are still perpetuating that idea that we are only worth a rough tap and tickle, not worthy of true love and respect. But it also comes from the WS assimilation, because if you'll notice, our Cauc counterparts do those things to each other and exploit their own children if the price is right. So, if we start setting the standard high in our community, saying, we will NOT play our sister or brother like that, we WILL value our bodies, even if someone is willing to reduce their own...we will say, "NO! You are worth so much more than me getting off on your low self-esteem." Once we start doing that, and teaching our kids that, then we will see fewer Beta males in our communities, and more women showing their daughters how to be virtuous. At least, that's my opinion.


              • #8
                Television is our greatest enemy and it is used by those in power (Jewish) to control the way that we are viewed as a people in this society and by one another. Channels like BET which is no longer black owned, but Jewish owned by Sumner Murry Redstone (Rothstein). After his death 2019, His family remains the majority stake holders in this media platform. Bet, MTV and other major platforms have a vested interest in portraying our people in the worst possible ways, as drug dealers,hoochie mama's,rappers and effeminate looking men. what they do is by design, it is as witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witch craft...
                The media have stepped up its attack on Black people by showing us disrespecting one another, women fighting women and hating on one another. It shows the black man enamored of the white women and the black sister also in relationships with the white men in commercials, television shows, movies and now in children's books.
                Many of our people are avid television watchers and those who study us know this and use television to beguile those of us who are still asleep to make the sleepers to believe that we are better off being in relationships with the very people who have held our ancestors captive and still continue to hold us in derision to this day. When the sleepers see the acts of violence against each other and relationships that we share with them on television and other social platforms they want to emulate those behaviors and attitudes. Young children see this behavior and see this as being the norm.
                WE must understand this truth: When we are in relationships with them and have children with them, we are whiting out our God given bloodline. God said we are not to give our sons and daughters to them. Deuteronomy 7:3. It says this throughout Scriptures. We are of a royal bloodline and not many of our people understand this, but those who still rule over us understand perfectly well who we are.
                As the enemy have done for hundreds of years they have purposely gone into indigenous lands and mated with the black and brown people. they did this with each generation until they successfully whited out beautiful black and brown skin. God made us for one another. When we mate with them, their offspring choose white people to mate with, this whites us out each generation. A perfect example is Megan Markle's children with Prince Harry. But if we turn this around we can change this. Ex if Meagan Markle's children marry indigenous black people and so forth and so on, we once again retain our royal bloodline. Black people are the only people that date more outside of their nation then any other nationalities. Even the animal kingdom knows better and does not forsake Gods law.

                We are in the fight of our lives as they try to separate us and eradicate our very existence through various means. Yet we are silent, so are Black churches, Black Caucuses, and Black lives matter. Instead of marching we should be signing petitions to get those things on television that prevent us from being a nation off the air. Lastly what threatens white people is us in power. Seeing a SUCCESSFUL BLACK MEN WITH SUCCESSFUL BLACK WIVES, RAISING SUCCESSFUL BLACK CHILDREN IS A TRIPLE THREAT TO THEM AND THEIR CRUMBLING SOCIETY. AND SEEING OUR PEOPLE COME TOGETHER IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER IS THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE. This is why they are working hare to game us by using the tactics they use to keep us separate. IT'S A NEW DAY PEOPLE.

