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Alcoholism and your partner

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  • Alcoholism and your partner

    What do you do when your spouse has an alcohol problem?

  • #2
    My husband used to be is a functional weekend alcoholic.. Every weekend he would drink from Friday evening to Sunday evening and was too wasted to go to work almost every Monday and do anything with our family. I give him the ultimatum to choose family or Mr Corona beer or I would leave. He made the choice of prioritizing family first. It’s been 6 months and he did it without rehabilitation. He removed himself from associating with his dysfunctional friends and family and so far it’s been a blessing. I hope and pray that he never has a relapse.


    • #3
      That is definitely a blessing. It is hard when someone you love and care about has any addiction that ruins the person you know they are or can be. I am dealing with this currently and have given ultimatums, made contracts and he still goes back to the bottle. I pray everyday and night that the good Lord can take that taste out of his mouth. It's so frustrating that he doesn't see how it causes us and our relationship so much strain but he still continues to drink. It's really sad. Thank you for sharing!

