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Black folks religion before Slavery?

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  • Black folks religion before Slavery?

    What Religion do black folks had before slavery.
    or what God do black people used to worship or pray to.
    I just wonder.

  • #2
    I'm not sure what black folks religion was before slavery. That's a good question.


    • #3
      Yes, brother I wonder, because we all know a lot of our ppl names ain’t their original names or their ancestry names, it’s the names their slave masters gave them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ridwan1999 View Post
        What Religion do black folks had before slavery.
        or what God do black people used to worship or pray to.
        I just wonder.
        Before slavery there was no religion the way we see it today. Different African tribes had beliefs and worships (for lack of a better word) beings they believed would bring them favor. For example they had their riturals if the wanted a bountiful crop season or rain season if it has been a drought and so on. Then came the crackers that introduced "religion" and sold it to many regions in Africa. Fast forward to today, many black folk in this country and the Aftican continent is all in on something that is dubious at best. If there really is a god, he/she really don't like black folk!


        • #5
          Originally posted by bohan1 View Post

          Before slavery there was no religion the way we see it today. Different African tribes had beliefs and worships (for lack of a better word) beings they believed would bring them favor. For example they had their riturals if the wanted a bountiful crop season or rain season if it has been a drought and so on. Then came the crackers that introduced "religion" and sold it to many regions in Africa. Fast forward to today, many black folk in this country and the Aftican continent is all in on something that is dubious at best. If there really is a god, he/she really don't like black folk!
          LOL...I hear you bruh.


          • IamMzKnight
            IamMzKnight commented
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            I couldn't agree more about feeling forsaken by the deity they taught is made of love. But then you consider the source. White people forced their religious beliefs on us when we were enslaved. At the time, they didn't even think we were human. I practice the old religion: hoodoo. Now I know who !listens to me and what to ask of them. The Orishas and ancient gods and goddesses watch over us and that's what we practiced before white people told us it was wrong/pagan.

          • KINGS OF ISRAEL
            KINGS OF ISRAEL commented
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            #1.not true God is a man Ex15:3 Forum In fact, he loves black ppl not just because he is black Rev1:14. but because we are his chosen Deuteronomy 7:6
            King James Version
            6 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

        • #6
          i would say that say black people, who in my opinion are the most spiritual ppl on the planet. Never really have a religion. We as Gods chosen were give laws, statutes and commandments. We are the people of the bible. When you read Deuteronomy 1:1, then Deuteronomy 28:1,15 tells us that God gave us Laws to keep and if we obey, we would be blessed, but if obey not then we would be cursed. The lord gave us a choice and we chose to disobey. Yet he is still giving us a chance to repent, and he will bless us "IF" we return back to keeping the laws not the WHITE MAN OR ANY OTHER religion.


          • #7
            Hello, I would like to add to this.
            There is evidence that a large portion of black people's last names were not I repeat given by the white slave masters. This was their original name, it was just butchered by the english and french who did not know how to pronounce or spell words. Look at us now we can not even pronounce most African names, we have become as dumb has them.

            There is a lady that is doing research in GB, here she has uncovered artifacts left behind by the black people of that land. With names, like Douglass, it wasn't spelled like that, but sounded very similar. I will send you the link if interested.

            Also the Africans did not have religions, they were very spiritual, religion is like a brain washing tool used to control the masses and keep them in perpetual stupor. Why is it that you always have to go and get washed and relearn the same thing over and over and over, Jesus loves you, every Sunday you have to go and get more brainwashing so that you never wake up. Stupid

            Think of it as if you learned how to drive do you go back every weekend to make sure that you have not veered away from the teaching last week? after awhile it becomes part of you and you can drive for many years without going back.

            Religion is a weapon of mass destruction, check the countries history that were colonized. What did they use religion. This includes the Arabs as well. They are cousins to the whites.

            I can tell you that Africa was not a muslim continent, it was either accept or the sword. Praises to ALAH!!

            If you apply religion practice and theory to any large group of bodies which include propaganda at the top, which in it's evil wicked ways is the corner stone of religion. every sunday they have someone up there with a testimony of how jesus brought from the depth of hell. When in fact it was there own selfishness that brought them there.

            Another thing is the etymology of words, when these so called religious black read the bible and use words most of them have no clue what the word means much less it's origins.

            Don't get me wrong, the BIBLE is a book that we all most read or reference because in that chronicle lays our salvation and freedom.
            Pick it up some day and randomly read the pages. It will open your eyes as to what our ancestors are telling us.

            The bible contains stolen passages from our ancestors, but they were clever enough to know that one day it would be used against us.
            So the broke it up and allowed it to become a Trojan horse, lol. Those whites thought that they were so smart. Joke is on them.
            As time moves on the truth is being revealed to us. Read the old testament it contains the majority of the message to us.
            The new testament reference the old testament for the key to unlock the message to us.

            Some one already pointed that out in an earlier post.

            Hate religion it's satans handy work. B1 is being spiritual. Where you are able to tap into our ancestors powers not the white blue eyed man on a cross. He is a fabric of satans delight and desire. So many blacks have fallen to it's sweet by and by. "Coum by yeah." so we can drown you in honey and milk.

            Look up the etymology of the word "lord". It means bread giver or one who brings bread.

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            Last edited by larryking123; 06-07-2022, 12:08 AM.


            • #8
              To my understanding this really depends on what region and time period you are interested in. Although some names of gods/deities stand out (e.g. Ogun and Ra), your best bet is to take a course from someone of the calibre of Robin Walker. I saw him advertise an online training facility the other day where he'll teach about various topics from our history, here's the link:


              He started teaching in the UK but is now focusing on teaching black people around the world, and he mentioned about adding more topics as time goes on. Even if you don't immediately see traditional African spirituality/religion on his list, all you need to do is email him and ask for him to point you in the right direction and I'm sure he will.

              Hope that helps and let me know how you get on, I might be signing up for the training program myself just to make sure I keep learning more.

