It's kind of surprising to people to hear black men say that. People EXPECT black men to want non-bw. So much so, that you have women out here that will pre-emptively reject you simply because you are black and male. I went through quite a bit of that nastiness when I was young. To the point where you had Asian women blurting out loud, WHO WANTS TO DATE A BLACK MAN ANYWAY! So, I feel proud to hear a black man say that he only dates black women;. I will keep it real though, California black women are something else. I have never dealt with a black woman from California in terms of relationships. Many of them are white-worshiping, white-washed BIGOTS against black men out here. I definitely think that things are much better for black men in the South, than out here. Things may have gotten better--somewhat--than they were when I was young. However, things are pretty much the same.
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Black Man receives backlash for saying that he only dates African-American Women.
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