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African Americans: A letter to my White American friend.

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  • African Americans: A letter to my White American friend.

    I thought that this would be a good read for the members on here.

    We don’t just forget. And It makes no sense to try if everyone is not even going to put forth an equal step to see things from one another’s perspective. Peace is the goal, and One love is the motto, but that first requires a respect and acknowledgment of the struggles from both sides. I would hope you would reply to me with a similar recollection of your views taking into account what I have shared with you, so that we can push forward. My...

  • #2
    Thank you for sharing this and I will share this with my girlfriend who is also black as well, it's a great conversation to have with one another. It's a conversation that needs to be talked about with our close way counterparts and friends as well.


    • #3
      Originally posted by OJ006 View Post
      Thank you for sharing this and I will share this with my girlfriend who is also black as well, it's a great conversation to have with one another. It's a conversation that needs to be talked about with our close way counterparts and friends as well.
      No problem.

