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Horrific bodycam video shows five Memphis cops kicking Tyre Nichols in the head, hammering him with a baton, raining punches down, pepper spraying and tazing him as he screams 'mom, mom' in brutal five minute beating - before he died in hospital.

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  • Horrific bodycam video shows five Memphis cops kicking Tyre Nichols in the head, hammering him with a baton, raining punches down, pepper spraying and tazing him as he screams 'mom, mom' in brutal five minute beating - before he died in hospital.

    I am beginning to think that many black cops are as bad as the white ones. I am wondering what were they thinking? I am sorry, but they don't have the complexion for the protection. They are going to get no paid leave, fired, and put in prison. Those guys were not thinking.
    WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT The video released on Friday night shows Nichols, 29, crying out for his mother during the brutal January 7 assault in Memphis, Tennessee.