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Racial Profiling On The Job

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  • Racial Profiling On The Job

    I work at a prestigious college in food service; in which people of color are being openly looked over. Whenever a white person family member pass (die); The managers make different types of platers, plus cook dinner for them also, plus they deliver the food to the grieving co-worker; They go all out for the white co-worker "But not once do a person of color get any type of acknowledgment or condolence of any type...The only thing they are concern about in reference to us is making sure you don't go over the time limit as being absent to bury your loved one. We are puzzled... What's wrong with this picture??? ( We people of color have a question; Who should we bring this before; Human Affairs or Speak Up commission with Compass; who Our job is under?) It's as if we don't count as being human beings... I wonder do they realize what they are doing??? This is being openly BIASED! My Father, my brother, and my sister passed; one yr after the next. Other people of color on the job (The same) got NO sort of acknowledgment in any form!
    Last edited by Yvonnemobley#2; 07-15-2021, 02:31 PM.

  • #2
    Sorry for loss . We are just not human to the other nations, point blank.


    • #3
      first off, my sincere condolences for your loss. You are entitled to the same treatment as your white counterparts. You should be able to address this matter to your supervisor. This would even have more weight if other Black people in your area of work are affected. You do not have to do this alone. Prepare a list of your grievances and set up a meeting with your supervisor/team leader/department head and HR as a group. That way, they can't take revenge on you as an individual and they will be forced to do something about it. Best of luck to you, and do not accept bad behavior from your employer (or anyone).


      • #4
        It depends on the relationship you have with everybody on the job. If your just there to do work, and your not friendly and talk positive or attribute then chances are they look the other direction. I understand, you work there but you do not know their relationship, but you could try and get to know them. Check out their facebook, instagram, or whatever they are communicating with. I had the same thing happen to me with co-workers who did not like me because I was an entry-level worker and they had a temporarly step-up ( which is when they give ops to try out more important positions ) and the moron would not take off the shirt. Guy had us do work ( which was stealing ) because we had a free day. I challenged him ( silently ) by doing work we should be doing. Eventually helping but making him move to another work-site...he was like "When is your last day"
        which he tried to pan-out just not to be around me.

        Race, Religion, Culture also plays a factor. Also your time in as well and how well you know your co-workers. It is like a game of ping-pong. You talk to them they talk to you. I missed some chances of ping-pong with some people. Then we become strangers. I know the feeling. Again some of these people do not know each other.

        I am going to say this to you. Keep up the slack, try to get to know everybody, make yourself useful. Do not be shy, and be positive. However make sure your doing what your suppose to be doing and not work they want you to do.

        Yeah I know the feeling. Your just there like an extra blurbed out person with a marker. Your not one of the gang. They turn their back on you. Your not part of the team, your the person that cleans up the teams trash. Again listen and observe them.


        It is not the women it is the men. Trust me that is the truth. It is the men who are messed up. Not the women.

        So do not let anything stress you and be the best you could be.


        Their is tons of people to make friends with. Tons of them. Your going to get jade, your going to get jaded. Just stay on top of them financially.

