A very insperational video about the world and the internet. We need to expand the opportunities for all people with the internet. Lets connect to that 2 Billion people that dont have the means for this. Take a look.
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A Free and Fair internet for all- Ted talk-Priscilla Chomba-Kinywa
A Free and Fair internet for all- Ted talk-Priscilla Chomba-Kinywa
Without the internet, how would you have coped with the pandemic -- from work and school, to maintaining your closest relationships? In the digital age, reliance on the internet is so common and seems ubiquitous, yet billions of people worldwide still go without it. Digital transformation strategist Priscilla Chomba-Kinywa advocates for collective access to the opportunities and potential the internet provides, underscoring the necessity of free and fair digital rights for all.Tags: None
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