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3 things men can do to promote gender equity -Jimmie Briggs- TED talk

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  • 3 things men can do to promote gender equity -Jimmie Briggs- TED talk

    I found this video to be very inspirational about gender equality and how to break those Norms within Society. Jimmy Briggs knows how to break that society's norms. A man who has children in his life that are female can show it very interesting perspective of gender equality sometimes. Take a look.
    "It is time for a gender reckoning, beginning with men authentically confronting our internal selves and each other," says essayist and intersectional justice advocate Jimmie Briggs. In this call to action for gender equity, he unpacks how traditional notions of masculinity harm society and offers three ways men can help promote personal safety, dignity and empowerment for all.

  • #2
    To be continued. I mean seriously .........................IDK what generation this is for, but my generation does not care ( never had ) if a person was married to a horse, or was full LGBT or whatever. It is only the older crowd. People over 60 ( right about now ). That cares. There will never be equality between the sexes. That is a hoax. You want something you go for it and do not realize the kind of person you are associating with. You want it to workout in a specific way that is when things go sour.

    You want Gender equality? Just tell the ladies to let guys know that she wants to be with them really really badly. Then build him up so he could work for you. Stop rushing for the gold and thinking "this is the one" because that guy who saved up all his pennies and built himself up is going to go for your grand-daughter, and mold her because "she" refused to mold him, to build him up. When he was trying to keep his head above the water where was she. That is the reality.

    This is why you see gods-gift-to-the-world with a bunch of random children from random guys have more earning power then a man of her same age sleeping half-naked on a mattress in the middle of the street that has poo stains on it with his face down.

    "Forest Gump" Forgiveness is not an option. Why god why...........

