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China urges US to 'correct its mistakes' after State Department website removes Taiwan independence reference.

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  • China urges US to 'correct its mistakes' after State Department website removes Taiwan independence reference.

    Man, I tell you, China is pressed about Taiwan like Sherman Klump was pressed about eating some damn Rocky Road Ice Cream. LOL. They are crazy over Taiwan. It's obvious that they want to be independent from China. This stuff has been going on for years. I was hearing this beef between back when I was a kid High School.

    China on Monday urged the United States to "correct its mistakes" after the U.S. State Department removed previous wording on its website about not supporting Taiwan independence, which it said was part of a routine update. The fact sheet on Taiwan, updated last week, retains Washington's opposition to unilateral change from either Taiwan or from China, which claims the democratically governed island as its own. But as well as dropping the phrase "we do not support Taiwan independence", the page added a reference to Taiwan's cooperation with a Pentagon technology and semiconductor development project and says the U.S. will support Taiwan's membership in international organisations "where applicable".